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  1. #1
    Utente di
    Registrato dal
    Jul 2005

    Kernel e modem 56k(compatibile)

    Ciao a tutti sono un neofila linux,
    mi trovo d'avanti all'installazione dei driver per un modem 56k compatibile Kernel 2.4-2.6
    l'unica cosa che sono riouscito a fare e cxopiarmi la cartella linux(dal cd del modem) contenente i driver e, una guida all'installazione(in inglese e che fa riferimento al kernel...che per me è arabo!)
    posto il readme
    1. Unpack tar.gz package file:
    	$ gzip -dc slmodem-2.9.X.tar.gz | tar xf -
    2. 'cd' to package directory:
    	$ cd slmodem-2.9.X
    3. Review and edit 'Makefile' (if need):
       In many cases you will need to correct path to your local kernel
       source tree:
       Default KERNEL_DIR is '/lib/modules/<kerne-version>/build'. Many Linux
       Distributions use directory '/usr/src/linux-<version>' also.
       Note: If you are using Linux kernel 2.4, only header files should be
             available for build in $(KERNEL_DIR)/include
       Another way to pass right value KERNEL_DIR is to use command line
       parameter while running 'make':
            $ make KERNEL_DIR=/path/to/linux ...
    4. Run 'make' command to compile package:
    	$ make
    5. Install. As 'root' user run:
    	# make install
       It will install:
       - application 'slmodemd' under '/usr/sbin' directory
       - hardware specific drivers (kernel modules) 'slamr' and 'slusb'
         under conventional kernel modules directory
       - character device nodes '/dev/slamr0-3' with major number 212
         (for pci modems) and '/dev/slusb0-3' with major number 213
         (for usb modems).
       - config modules for autoloading (by editing file '/etc/modules.conf')
         (only with 2.4 kernels)
    6. Config modem country.
       Use AT+GCI=<T.35 country code> command to setup country.
       Also you can setup default modem country by passing command line
       parameter '--country=MY_COUNTRY' to program 'slmodemd'.
       See output of 'slmodemd --countrylist' for a list of supported
       country names and T.35 country codes (see also 'slmodemd --help').
       Note: Command ATI7 shows currently installed country setting.
    8. Uninstallation.
       In package directory just type:
    	# make uninstall
    Getting Started
    After successful installation and configuration:
    1. Load modem driver.
       Load your modem hardware specific kernel module:
    	# modprobe slamr
       if you are using AMR/CNR/PCI modem, or
    	# modprobe slusb
       if you are using SmartUSB56 Modem.
       Note: this will be done automatically when modules were
             configured for 'loading on demand'
       Note: this is safe to load both 'alamr' and 'slusb' modules.
    2. Run soft modem application.
           # /usr/sbin/slmodemd [options] <device_name>
       Where device name is appropriate device node for your modem
       (look at output of 'dmesg' command).
       Run '/usr/sbin/slmodemd --help' for details.
           # /usr/sbin/slmodemd --country=USA /dev/slamr0
       , or for SmartUSB56 Modems:
           # /usr/sbin/slmodemd --country=ITALY /dev/slusb0
    3. Using the modem.
       When 'slmodemd' is running this creates PTY (pseudo-terminal) to
       emulate modem port device, also this creates symbolic link
       like '/dev/ttySL0' (shown at startup).
       Config your application to use this link '/dev/ttySL0' (or PTY node
       itself) as modem port.
       Note: Some application want 'to know' that they are working with
             pseudo-terminal and may require additional configurations.
       Known application notes:
       - 'wvdial' requires option 'Carrier Check = no' in config file
       - some versions of 'kppp' may not work properly with devices named
         like '/dev/ttySL0'. To workaround this you may create symbolic link
         '/dev/modem' ( # ln -s /dev/ttySL0 /dev/modem ) and use this link
         as modem device with 'kppp'
       - some pci modem devices are declared as COMMUNICATION_MODEM class and
         might be caught by other standard drivers - you will see "grabbed
         by another driver" warning in dmesg buffer. There is no good way to
         "release" it, but as silly workaround you may use 'ungrab-winmodem'
         pseudo-driver from
         Note that you should load it before 'slamr' module.
    4. Startup automation.
        There are examples of startup scripts in 'scripts' directory.
    ...spero che siate così gentili da poter aiutarmi, grazie in anticipo.

  2. #2
    Moderatore di Linux e software L'avatar di francofait
    Registrato dal
    Aug 2001

    Re: Kernel e modem 56k(compatibile)

    Originariamente inviato da yusizu
    Ciao a tutti sono un neofila linux,
    mi trovo d'avanti all'installazione dei driver per un modem 56k compatibile Kernel 2.4-2.6
    l'unica cosa che sono riouscito a fare e cxopiarmi la cartella linux(dal cd del modem) contenente i driver e, una guida all'installazione(in inglese e che fa riferimento al kernel...che per me è arabo!)
    posto il readme
    1. Unpack tar.gz package file:
    	$ gzip -dc slmodem-2.9.X.tar.gz | tar xf -
    2. 'cd' to package directory:
    	$ cd slmodem-2.9.X
    3. Review and edit 'Makefile' (if need):
       In many cases you will need to correct path to your local kernel
       source tree:
       Default KERNEL_DIR is '/lib/modules/<kerne-version>/build'. Many Linux
       Distributions use directory '/usr/src/linux-<version>' also.
       Note: If you are using Linux kernel 2.4, only header files should be
             available for build in $(KERNEL_DIR)/include
       Another way to pass right value KERNEL_DIR is to use command line
       parameter while running 'make':
            $ make KERNEL_DIR=/path/to/linux ...
    4. Run 'make' command to compile package:
    	$ make
    5. Install. As 'root' user run:
    	# make install
       It will install:
       - application 'slmodemd' under '/usr/sbin' directory
       - hardware specific drivers (kernel modules) 'slamr' and 'slusb'
         under conventional kernel modules directory
       - character device nodes '/dev/slamr0-3' with major number 212
         (for pci modems) and '/dev/slusb0-3' with major number 213
         (for usb modems).
       - config modules for autoloading (by editing file '/etc/modules.conf')
         (only with 2.4 kernels)
    6. Config modem country.
       Use AT+GCI=<T.35 country code> command to setup country.
       Also you can setup default modem country by passing command line
       parameter '--country=MY_COUNTRY' to program 'slmodemd'.
       See output of 'slmodemd --countrylist' for a list of supported
       country names and T.35 country codes (see also 'slmodemd --help').
       Note: Command ATI7 shows currently installed country setting.
    8. Uninstallation.
       In package directory just type:
    	# make uninstall
    Getting Started
    After successful installation and configuration:
    1. Load modem driver.
       Load your modem hardware specific kernel module:
    	# modprobe slamr
       if you are using AMR/CNR/PCI modem, or
    	# modprobe slusb
       if you are using SmartUSB56 Modem.
       Note: this will be done automatically when modules were
             configured for 'loading on demand'
       Note: this is safe to load both 'alamr' and 'slusb' modules.
    2. Run soft modem application.
           # /usr/sbin/slmodemd [options] <device_name>
       Where device name is appropriate device node for your modem
       (look at output of 'dmesg' command).
       Run '/usr/sbin/slmodemd --help' for details.
           # /usr/sbin/slmodemd --country=USA /dev/slamr0
       , or for SmartUSB56 Modems:
           # /usr/sbin/slmodemd --country=ITALY /dev/slusb0
    3. Using the modem.
       When 'slmodemd' is running this creates PTY (pseudo-terminal) to
       emulate modem port device, also this creates symbolic link
       like '/dev/ttySL0' (shown at startup).
       Config your application to use this link '/dev/ttySL0' (or PTY node
       itself) as modem port.
       Note: Some application want 'to know' that they are working with
             pseudo-terminal and may require additional configurations.
       Known application notes:
       - 'wvdial' requires option 'Carrier Check = no' in config file
       - some versions of 'kppp' may not work properly with devices named
         like '/dev/ttySL0'. To workaround this you may create symbolic link
         '/dev/modem' ( # ln -s /dev/ttySL0 /dev/modem ) and use this link
         as modem device with 'kppp'
       - some pci modem devices are declared as COMMUNICATION_MODEM class and
         might be caught by other standard drivers - you will see "grabbed
         by another driver" warning in dmesg buffer. There is no good way to
         "release" it, but as silly workaround you may use 'ungrab-winmodem'
         pseudo-driver from
         Note that you should load it before 'slamr' module.
    4. Startup automation.
        There are examples of startup scripts in 'scripts' directory.
    ...spero che siate così gentili da poter aiutarmi, grazie in anticipo.
    SAarebbe più il caso di specificare modello e marca del modem e che distribuzione stai usando, i sourgenti che hai preso dal cdrom del produttore non ti servono a nulla sono vecchi ed obsoleti , inutilizzabili con kernel-2.6.16.x .

  3. #3
    Utente di
    Registrato dal
    Jul 2005
    Allora il modem è un WebRunner PCI PP3R
    V.90/V.92 56k
    lo produce l'Atlantis
    Ho una distr Mandriva 2006, ambiente grafico KDE

    da gestione hardware ho trovato il modem appena montato(il che già è un successo perchè tutti gli altri che ho provato li ignorava) ma con un bel punto interrogativo, nelle finestra delle informazioni del modem ho:
    Marca: Smart Link Ltd.
    Descrizione: Modem
    Classe dei supporti:COMMUNICATION_MODEM
    Bus PCI n°:0
    Dispositivo PCI n°:9
    Funzioni PCI n°0
    ID della marca 8192
    ID del dispositivo:10240
    Modulo: slamr

    grazie mille

  4. #4
    Utente di
    Registrato dal
    Jul 2005
    up pls

  5. #5
    Moderatore di Linux e software L'avatar di francofait
    Registrato dal
    Aug 2001
    il chipset del tuo modem è regolarmente riconosciuto , configura la connessione aggiornado anche i country da us a it
    La connessione la configuri da kppp, per aggiornare la variabile country trovi l'appunto negli stessi post tuoi precedenti.:

    Getting Started

    After successful installation and configuration:

    1. Load modem driver.

    Load your modem hardware specific kernel module:

    # modprobe slamr

    if you are using AMR/CNR/PCI modem, or

    # modprobe slusb

    if you are using SmartUSB56 Modem.

    Note: this will be done automatically when modules were
    configured for 'loading on demand'

    Note: this is safe to load both 'alamr' and 'slusb' modules.

    2. Run soft modem application.

    # /usr/sbin/slmodemd [options] <device_name>

    Where device name is appropriate device node for your modem
    (look at output of 'dmesg' command).
    Run '/usr/sbin/slmodemd --help' for details.


    # /usr/sbin/slmodemd --country=USA /dev/slamr0

    , or for SmartUSB56 Modems:

    # /usr/sbin/slmodemd --country=ITALY /dev/slusb0

    3. Using the modem.

    When 'slmodemd' is running this creates PTY (pseudo-terminal) to
    emulate modem port device, also this creates symbolic link
    like '/dev/ttySL0' (shown at startup).

    Config your application to use this link '/dev/ttySL0' (or PTY node
    itself) as modem port.

    Note: Some application want 'to know' that they are working with
    pseudo-terminal and may require additional configurations.

    Known application notes:

    - 'wvdial' requires option 'Carrier Check = no' in config file

    - some versions of 'kppp' may not work properly with devices named
    like '/dev/ttySL0'. To workaround this you may create symbolic link
    '/dev/modem' ( # ln -s /dev/ttySL0 /dev/modem ) and use this link
    as modem device with 'kppp'

    - some pci modem devices are declared as COMMUNICATION_MODEM class and
    might be caught by other standard drivers - you will see "grabbed
    by another driver" warning in dmesg buffer. There is no good way to
    "release" it, but as silly workaround you may use 'ungrab-winmodem'
    pseudo-driver from
    Note that you should load it before 'slamr' module.

    4. Startup automation.

    There are examples of startup scripts in 'scripts' directory.

  6. #6
    Utente di
    Registrato dal
    Jul 2005
    sinceramente non c'ho capito nulla!
    so solo che con harddrake2 mi ritrovo come "sconosciuti" il mio modem
    ....del quale ho riportato la descrizione che mi appare di fianco.
    per il resto a me servirebbe utilizzare questo benedetto modem per inviare/ricevere fax
    (come farebbe un comune winfax) che ovviamente posso configurare con interfaccia grafica

    grazie mille

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