Question 1

A customer e-mails the support desk complaining that their CentOS SVS1000 (a virtual server with 1024MB of available RAM) has been running very slowly and has just stopped responding. You connect to the VPS via the console and can see messages in /var/log/messages that indicate that the VPS has run out of memory:
Sep 29 14:00:43 kernel: Out of memory: Killed process 30194, UID 48, (httpd.worker).
Sep 29 14:00:43 kernel: httpd.worker invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0xd0, order=0, oomkilladj=0
You restart the server to bring it back online, and almost immediately several Apache processes start and use a lot of memory. You check the Apache configuration and it hasn’t been modified since the VPS was installed. What advice can you give the customer on reducing Apache’s memory usage to prevent the VPS crashing again due to lack of memory?
Question 2

A customer with a Windows 2008 Standard 64-bit VPS e-mails the support desk asking for guidance on how to setup FTP access for a website that they’d like to host on the VPS. They’ve already added the website ( in IIS 7 but have hit a stumbling block when trying to setup FTP. Bearing in mind that the Windows firewall is enabled on the VPS, talk the customer through setting up FTP access in IIS7.
Question 3

A customer e-mails the support desk saying that they have tried to upload an 8MB file using a PHP web form on their website and the upload has failed with the error, “This file is too big. Your php.ini upload_max_filesize is 2M”. The customer has a CentOS 7 VPS and can connect to the root account via SSH. Give the customer instructions on how they can resolve this issue. The customer is competent enough to use a command-line text editor like vi or nano.
Question 4

A customer with a Windows VPS has installed Mail Enable to act as a POP and SMTP server on their VPS. They’ve been sending mails successfully for a while now from an e-mail account on their VPS ( but have just received a bounceback message containing this text when trying to send a mail with a large attachment to a customer:
MailEnable: Message Delivery Failure.

The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

Recipient: []
Reason: 552 request exceeds sender max message size limit of 5242880 bytes
Reason Code: SMTP Outbound - General Error
Error Number: 0

Give the customer instructions on changing settings in Mail Enable so that he can send a large attachment to his customer.