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  1. #1
    Utente di
    Registrato dal
    Jul 2017

    [C++] Errore compilazione: LNK1120 Unresolved external

    Salve ragazzi, nel codice postato qui sotto ho il seguente errore di compilazione. Uso visual studio 2010.

    6>FirstSample.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: bool __thiscall SavePointCloud:nImageGrabbed(struct GenTLConsumerImplHelper::GrabResult,class std::vector<struct GenTLConsumerImplHelper::PartInfo,class std::allocator<struct GenTLConsumerImplHelper::PartInfo> >)" (?onImageGrabbed@SavePointCloud@@QAE_NUGrabResult@ GenTLConsumerImplHelper@@V?$vector@UPartInfo@GenTL ConsumerImplHelper@@V?$allocator@UPartInfo@GenTLCo nsumerImplHelper@@@std@@@std@@@Z) referenced in function "public: int __thiscall SavePointCloud::run(void)" (?run@SavePointCloud@@QAEHXZ)
    6>C:\Users\sony\Desktop\Basler\ToF\Samples\Cpp\Deb ug\FirstSample.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

    Qualcuno ha un idea di cosa voglia dire?

    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include <ConsumerImplHelper/ToFCamera.h>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <iomanip> 
    #if defined (_MSC_VER) && defined (_WIN32)
    // You have to delay load the GenApi libraries used for configuring the camera device.
    // Refer to the project settings to see how to instruct the linker to delay load DLLs. 
    // ("Properties->Linker->Input->Delay Loaded Dlls" resp. /DELAYLOAD linker option).
    #  pragma message( "Remember to delayload these libraries (/DELAYLOAD linker option):")
    #  pragma message( "    /DELAYLOAD:\"" DLL_NAME("GCBase") "\"")
    #  pragma message( "    /DELAYLOAD:\"" DLL_NAME("GenApi") "\"")
    #include <GenTL/PFNC.h>
    #include <string>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <cstdio>
    #include <sstream>
    using namespace GenTLConsumerImplHelper;
    using namespace GenApi;
    using namespace std;
    void WritePcdHeader( ostream& o, size_t width, size_t height, bool saveIntensity )
        o << "# .PCD v0.7 - Point Cloud Data file format" << endl;
        o << "VERSION 0.7" << endl;
        o << "FIELDS x y z rgb" << endl;
        o << "SIZE 4 4 4";
        if ( saveIntensity )
            o << " 4";
        o << endl;
        o << "TYPE F F F";
        if ( saveIntensity )
            o << " F";
        o << endl;
        o << "COUNT 1 1 1";
        if ( saveIntensity )
            o << " 1";
        o << endl;
        o << "WIDTH " << width << endl;
        o << "HEIGHT " << height << endl;
        o << "VIEWPOINT 0 0 0 1 0 0 0" << endl;
        o << "POINTS " << width * height << endl;
        o << "DATA ASCII" << endl;
    using namespace GenTLConsumerImplHelper;
    using namespace std;
    class SavePointCloud
        int run();
        bool onImageGrabbed( GrabResult grabResult , BufferParts );
        CToFCamera  m_Camera;
        int         m_nBuffersGrabbed;
    int SavePointCloud::run()
        m_nBuffersGrabbed = 0;
            // Open the first camera found, i.e., establish a connection to the camera device. 
            /*  CToFCamera::OpenFirstCamera() is a shortcut for the following sequence:
                CameraList cameras = CToFCamera::EnumerateCameras();
                CameraInfo camInfo = *cameras.begin();
                If there are multiple cameras connected and you want to open a specific one, use
                the CToFCamera::Open( CameraInfoKey, string ) method.
                Example: Open a camera using its IP address
                CToFCamera::Open( IpAddress, "" );
                Instead of the IP address, any other property of the CameraInfo struct can be used, 
                e.g., the serial number or the user-defined name:
                CToFCamera::Open( SerialNumber, "23167572" );
                CToFCamera::Open( UserDefinedName, "Left" );
            cout << "Connected to camera " << m_Camera.GetCameraInfo().strDisplayName << endl;
            // Enable 3D (point cloud) data, intensity data, and confidence data. 
            GenApi::CEnumerationPtr ptrComponentSelector = m_Camera.GetParameter("ComponentSelector");
            GenApi::CBooleanPtr ptrComponentEnable = m_Camera.GetParameter("ComponentEnable");
            GenApi::CEnumerationPtr ptrPixelFormat = m_Camera.GetParameter("PixelFormat");
            // Enable range data.
            // Range information can be sent either as a 16-bit grey value image or as 3D coordinates (point cloud). For this sample, we want to acquire 3D coordinates.
            // Note: To change the format of an image component, the Component Selector must first be set to the component
            // you want to configure (see above).
            // To use 16-bit integer depth information, choose "Mono16" instead of "Coord3D_ABC32f".
            ptrPixelFormat->FromString("Coord3D_ABC32f" );
            // Acquire images until the call-back onImageGrabbed indicates to stop acquisition. 
            // 5 buffers are used (round-robin).
    		m_Camera.GrabContinuous( 50, 500, this, &SavePointCloud::onImageGrabbed );
            // Clean-up
        catch ( const GenICam::GenericException& e )
            cerr << "Exception occurred: " << e.GetDescription() << endl;
            // After successfully opening the camera, the IsConnected method can be used 
            // to check if the device is still connected.
            if ( m_Camera.IsOpen() && ! m_Camera.IsConnected() )
                cerr << "Camera has been removed." << endl;
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    bool SavePointCloud( const BufferParts parts, const char* fileName )
        if ( parts.empty() )
            cerr << "No valid image data." << endl;
            return false;
        // If the point cloud is enabled, the first part always contains the point cloud data.
        if ( parts[0].dataFormat != PFNC_Coord3D_ABC32f )
            cerr << "Unexpected data format for the first image part. Coord3D_ABC32f is expected." << endl;
            return false;
        const bool saveIntensity = parts.size() > 1;
        if ( saveIntensity && parts[1].dataFormat != PFNC_Mono16 )
            cerr << "Unexpected data format for the second image part. Mono 16 is expected." << endl;
            return false;
        ofstream o( fileName );
        if ( ! o )
            cerr << "Error:\tFailed to create file "<< fileName << endl;
            return false;
        CToFCamera::Coord3D *pPoint = (CToFCamera::Coord3D*) parts[0].pData;
        uint16_t *pIntensity = saveIntensity ? (uint16_t*) parts[1].pData : NULL;
        const size_t nPixel = parts[0].width * parts[0].height;
        WritePcdHeader( o, parts[0].width, parts[0].height, saveIntensity );
        for ( size_t i = 0; i < nPixel; ++i )
            // Check if there are valid 3D coordinates for that pixel.
            if ( pPoint->IsValid() )   
                o.precision( 0 );  // Coordinates will be written as whole numbers.
                // Write the coordinates of the next point. Note: Since the coordinate system
                // used by the CloudCompare tool is different from the one used by the ToF camera, 
                // we apply a 180-degree rotation around the x-axis by writing the negative 
                // values of the y and z coordinates.
                o << std::fixed << pPoint->x << ' ' << -pPoint->y << ' ' << -pPoint->z;
                if ( saveIntensity )
                    // Save the intensity as an RGB value.
                    uint8_t gray = *pIntensity >> 8;
                    uint32_t rgb = (uint32_t) gray << 16 | (uint32_t) gray << 8 | (uint32_t) gray;
                    // The point cloud library data format represents RGB values as floats. 
                    float fRgb = * (float*) &rgb;
                    o.unsetf(ios_base::floatfield); // Switch to default float formatting
                    o.precision(9); // Intensity information will be written with highest precision.
                    o << ' ' << fRgb << endl;
                o << "nan nan nan 0" << endl;
        cout << "done." << endl;
        return true;
    //bool Sample::onImageGrabbed( GrabResult grabResult, BufferParts parts )
    //    if ( grabResult.status == GrabResult::Timeout )
    //    {
    //        cerr << "Timeout occurred. Acquisition stopped." << endl;
    //        // The timeout might be caused by a removal of the camera. Check if the camera
    //        // is still connected.
    //        if ( ! m_Camera.IsConnected() )
    //        {
    //            cerr << "Camera has been removed." << endl;
    //        }
    //        return false; // Indicate to stop acquisition
    //    }
    //    m_nBuffersGrabbed++;
    //    if ( grabResult.status != GrabResult::Ok )
    //    {
    //        cerr << "Image " << m_nBuffersGrabbed << "was not grabbed." << endl;
    //    }
    //    else
    //    {
    //        // Retrieve the values for the center pixel
    //        const int width = (int) parts[0].width;
    //        const int height = (int) parts[0].height;
    //        const int x = (int) (0.5 * width);
    //        const int y = (int) (0.5 * height);
    //        CToFCamera::Coord3D *p3DCoordinate = (CToFCamera::Coord3D*) parts[0].pData + y * width + x;
    //        uint16_t *pIntensity = (uint16_t*) parts[1].pData + y * width + x;
    //        uint16_t *pConfidence = (uint16_t*) parts[2].pData + y * width + x;
    //        cout << "Center pixel of image " << setw(2) << m_nBuffersGrabbed << ": ";
    //        cout.setf( ios_base::fixed);
    //        cout.precision(1);
    //        if ( p3DCoordinate->IsValid() )
    //            cout << "x=" << setw(6) <<  p3DCoordinate->x << " y=" << setw(6) << p3DCoordinate->y << " z=" << setw(6) << p3DCoordinate->z;
    //        else
    //            cout << "x=   n/a y=   n/a z=   n/a";
    //        cout << " intensity="<< setw(5) << *pIntensity << " confidence=" << setw(5) << *pConfidence << endl;
    //    }
    //    return m_nBuffersGrabbed < 10; // Indicate to stop acquisition when 10 buffers are grabbed
    int main(int argc, char* argv[])
        int exitCode = EXIT_SUCCESS;
            SavePointCloud ;
            exitCode = EXIT_SUCCESS;
        catch ( GenICam::GenericException& e )
            cerr << "Exception occurred: " << endl << e.GetDescription() << endl;
            exitCode = EXIT_FAILURE;
        // Release the GenTL producer and all of its resources. 
        // Note: Don't call TerminateProducer() until the destructor of the CToFCamera
        // class has been called. The destructor may require resources which may not
        // be available anymore after TerminateProducer() has been called.
        if ( CToFCamera::IsProducerInitialized() )
            CToFCamera::TerminateProducer();  // Won't throw any exceptions
        cout << endl << "Press Enter to exit." << endl;
        while (cin.get() != '\n');
        return exitCode;

  2. #2
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