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  1. #21
    Moderatore di Windows e software L'avatar di URANIO
    Registrato dal
    Dec 1999
    Casalpusterlengo (LO)
    Quote Originariamente inviata da optime Visualizza il messaggio
    da principiante mi sono letto il primissimo post e *guardacaso* c'era AND. Se poi si vuoi usare un bazooka per sparare a una mosca, liberissimi di farlo
    Sinceramente non ho mai usato AND in VB, pensavo fosse una forma VB6 di concatenazione.
    Io per lavoro vivo di eccezioni.

  2. #22
    oki, aspettiamo una risposta da chibi89

  3. #23
    ho risolto ragazzi, alla fine mi ero dimenticato di cambiare tipologia di sintassi in un file dove conservo tutte le variabili dove era impostato su object invece di string

    Imports Newspoint_Software_Home_Center.HomeF
    Imports Newspoint_Software_Home_Center.Winzard
    Imports Newspoint_Software_Home_Center.Form1
    Imports Newspoint_Software_Home_Center.Login
    Imports Newspoint_Software_Home_Center.VenditoreR
    Imports Newspoint_Software_Home_Center.SistemaKey
    Imports Newspoint_Software_Home_Center.Variable
    Public Class Variable
    #Region "VariableAmbient"
        'pather dichiaration statment
        Public Shared KeyUser As String = Newspoint_Software_Home_Center.SistemaKey.Default.Key
         'al posto di string era object
    Public Shared LocalUser As String = Newspoint_Software_Home_Center.SistemaKey.Default.User
         'al posto di string era object
    Public Shared NomePC As String = My.Computer.Name
        Public Shared VersioneOS As String = My.Computer.Info.OSVersion
        'personalizzo la dichiarazione vero o falso + altri valori nominali
        Public Shared ResolutionYes As Boolean = DialogResult.Yes
        Public Shared ResolutionNo As Boolean = DialogResult.No
        Public Shared V As Boolean = True
        Public Shared F As Boolean = False
        Public Shared Threesec As Boolean = 3000
        Public Shared onesec As Boolean = 1000
        Public Shared twusec As Boolean = 2000
        Public Shared one As Boolean = 100
        Public Shared twu As Boolean = 200
        Public Shared three As Boolean = 300
        Public Shared aCapo As String = vbCrLf
        Public Shared SiNo As String = vbYesNo
        Public Shared risultatoOK As String = MsgBoxResult.Ok
        Public Shared risultatoNO As String = MsgBoxResult.No
        Public Shared stileSiNo As String = MsgBoxStyle.YesNo
        Public Shared stileinformation As String = MsgBoxStyle.Information
        Public Shared ModuleStart As String = My.Settings.loadfrm
        Public Shared Key As String = My.Settings.key
        Public Shared user As String = My.Settings.user
        Public Shared mail As String = My.Settings.mail
        'ricerca Stato File di Sistema
        Public Shared StatoAltriSettaggi As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(Application.StartupPath = "\RegistrationCompanyPC\VenditoreR.setting")
        Public Shared statoDirAltriSettaggi As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(VenditoreR.Default.DirectorySettings.ToString)
        'dichiarazione stati 
        Public Shared WPhase As String = (My.Settings.WizardPhase.ToString)
        Public Shared Phase As String = (My.Settings.WizardPhase = "0")
        Public Shared Phase1 As String = (My.Settings.WizardPhase = "1")
        Public Shared Phase2 As String = (My.Settings.WizardPhase = "2")
        Public Shared Phase3 As String = (My.Settings.WizardPhase = "3")
        Public Shared Phase4 As String = (My.Settings.WizardPhase = "4")
        'dichiarazione variabili ambiente winzard
        Public ContaCaratteri As Boolean = (Text.Length.ToString)
        Public Shared StatoI_nternet = My.Computer.Network.IsAvailable
        Public Shared SysDir As String = Environment.SystemDirectory
        Public Shared SysName As String = Environment.MachineName
        Public Shared syshost As String = Environment.UserDomainName
        Public Shared SysOS = Environment.OSVersion
        Public Shared totalPhysicalMemmory = My.Computer.Info.TotalPhysicalMemory
        Public Shared Sysheight = My.Computer.Screen.Bounds.Height
        Public Shared Syswidth = My.Computer.Screen.Bounds.Width
        Public Shared SysResolution As String = "Risoluzione schermo: " & Sysheight & " x " & Syswidth & ""
        Public Shared userName = My.User.Name
        '--------sola lettura 
        Public Shared WGra_ As String = FontStyle.Bold
        Public Shared WNor_ As String = FontStyle.Regular
        ReadOnly Wsieze_ As String = Font.Size.ToString
        ReadOnly Sieze12_ As String = Font.Size = 12
        ReadOnly Sieze9_ As String = Font.Size = 9
        ReadOnly Sieze10_ As String = Font.Size = 10
        ReadOnly Sieze14_ As String = Font.Size = 14
        ReadOnly Sieze16_ As String = Font.Size = 16
        ReadOnly Sieze18_ As String = Font.Size = 18
        ReadOnly Sieze20_ As String = Font.Size = 20
        ReadOnly Sieze22_ As String = Font.Size = 22
        ReadOnly Sieze24_ As String = Font.Size = 24
        '--------valori pubblici
        Public Shared KeyLocal As String = Newspoint_Software_Home_Center.HomeF.key.Text
        Public Shared WGra As String = FontStyle.Bold
        Public Shared WNor As String = FontStyle.Regular
        Dim Wsieze As String = Font.Size
        Dim Sieze12 As String = Font.Size = 12
        Dim Sieze9 As String = Font.Size = 9
        Dim Sieze10 As String = Font.Size = 10
        Dim Sieze14 As String = Font.Size = 14
        Dim Sieze16 As String = Font.Size = 16
        Dim Sieze18 As String = Font.Size = 18
        Dim Sieze20 As String = Font.Size = 20
        Dim Sieze22 As String = Font.Size = 22
        Dim Sieze24 As String = Font.Size = 24
        '---------------Registry Key Ready and Write declaration------------
        Public Shared LicenseKey As String = My.Settings.LicenseKey.ToString
        Public Shared ValoreChiave As Object
        'variable generic
        Public Shared AppName As String = "Newspoint Software Home Center - "
        Public Shared LoadContinuePro As Boolean = ProgressBarStyle.Marquee
        Public Shared LoadStatment As Boolean = ProgressBarStyle.Continuous
        Public Shared LoadBlock As Boolean = ProgressBarStyle.Blocks
       'end generic variable
    #End Region
    Ultima modifica di chibi89; 28-11-2019 a 20:03
    qualsiasi creatura vivente nell'universo possiede una stella che brilla tutta sua, e più i buoni sentimenti della persona sono forti, più la propria stella blilla

  4. #24
    avrai cambiato anche questa
               KeyUser =
                    SoftKey1.Text And SoftKey2.Text And
                    SoftKey3.Text And SoftKey4.Text And
    oppure inserito solo numeri

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