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Discussione: who can help me!

  1. #1

    who can help me!

    Hi ..maybe a stupid question of a beginner: I have 2 radio boxes in my form. When first radio is selected than Text1 shoulb be added to the subject, when second radio is clicked then text2 should be added to subject. Here is the code:
    First, i check the right form and then check the is_customer which includes the 2 radios ..somewhere is a buf that not insert the text to subject

    Codice PHP:
    if ($_POST["is_tipp_form"] == "1") {                                
    if (
    $is_customer == 1) {                
    $case_subject " -Text1";         
    } else {            
    $case_subject " -Text2";             

  2. #2
    Moderatore di PHP L'avatar di Alhazred
    Registrato dal
    Oct 2003
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