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  1. #1

    Menu orizzontale, problemi con posizionamento

    Ho trovato il seguente menu pronto, e sono riuscito a modificarne le caratteristiche principali. Ora però ho un problema: non riesco a posizionarlo dove voglio! Siccome di quello che mi stampa JavaScript non ci ho capito nulla, mi potreste dare una dritta??? Grazie!

    Parte 1
    is = {};
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    is.ie6 = (is.agent.indexOf("msie 6") != -1);
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    var css_px = (is.ns4) ?"" : "px";
    function menuObj(obj, par, nst) {
      page             = new Object();
      page.width       = (is.ns6 || is.ns61 || is.ns6 || is.ns4 || is.moz) ? innerWidth  : document.body.clientWidth;
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    	this.sty = (!is.ns4) ? : this.lyr;
    	if(par) this.parent = par;
    	this.obj = obj + "SwipeLayer";
    	eval(this.obj + "= this");
    menuObj.prototype.timer = null;
    menuObj.prototype.wipe = 0;
    menuObj.prototype.offX = Function('oX = ( || is.ns61 || is.moz) ?this.lyr.offsetLeft : parseInt(this.sty.left);return oX');
    menuObj.prototype.offY = Function('oY = ( || is.ns61 ||is.moz) ?this.lyr.offsetTop : parseInt(;return oY;');
    menuObj.prototype.offW = Function('oW = (!is.ns4) ?this.lyr.offsetWidth : this.lyr.clip.width; return oW;')
    menuObj.prototype.offH = Function('oH = (!is.ns4) ?this.lyr.offsetHeight : this.lyr.clip.height; return oH;')
    menuObj.prototype.maxWipe = function() {
    	if(is.dom) return this.offH()+10;
    	if(is.ns4) return (sAtt.height*this.lyr.document.layers.length)+10;
    wipeMenu.prototype.addMain = function(name, hasSub, txt, url) {
    	menuName =;
    	wipePos = this.pos;
    	mAtt = this.mAtt, sAtt = this.sAtt;
    	if(this.main[name]) return;
    	if(is.ns4) {
    		var mainMenu = new Layer(mAtt.width);
    		var styStr = "text-decoration:none; color:"+mAtt.fg_off+"; padding:"+((mAtt.height/2)-(mAtt.font_size/2)-1)+"px 0px 0px 0px; font-size:"+mAtt.font_size+"px; font-family:"+mAtt.font+";"
    		var pd = "padding:0px 6px 0px 6px;"
    		mainMenu.document.write('<div align="'+mAtt.align+'" style="'+pd+'">'+txt+'</div>');
    		if(mAtt.bg_off.indexOf("url") != -1) {
    			mainMenu.background.src = mAtt.bg_off.substring(4,mAtt.bg_off.length-1);
    			mainMenu.background.src = mAtt.bg_off.substring(4,mAtt.bg_off.length-1);
    		} else mainMenu.bgColor = mAtt.bg_off;
    		mainMenu.visibility = "visible";
    	if(is.dom) {
    		var mainMenu = document.createElement("DIV");
    		var pf = Math.ceil(((mAtt.height-mAtt.font_size)/2)-2); var wf = (is.ns6x || is.strict) ?12 : 0;
    		var pf2 = (mAtt.height%2 == 0) ?1 : 0;
    		mainMenu.innerHTML = txt; = name+menuName;
    		var styStr = "position:absolute; width:"+(mAtt.width-wf)+"px; border:solid "+mAtt.border+"px "+mAtt.border_color+"; color:"+mAtt.fg_off+";  text-align:"+mAtt.align+"; font-size:"+mAtt.font_size+"px; font-family:"+mAtt.font+"; padding:"+pf+"px 6px "+(pf+pf2)+"px 6px; background:"+mAtt.bg_off+"; cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" = styStr;
    		mainMenu.setAttribute("style", styStr);
    	if(is.ie4) {
    		var pf = Math.ceil(((mAtt.height-mAtt.font_size)/2)-2);
    		var pf2 = (mAtt.height%2 == 0) ?1 : 0;
    		var styStr = "position:absolute; width:"+(mAtt.width)+"px; border:solid "+mAtt.border+"px "+mAtt.border_color+"; color:"+mAtt.fg_off+";  text-align:"+mAtt.align+"; font-size:"+mAtt.font_size+"px; font-family:"+mAtt.font+"; padding:"+(pf)+"px 6px "+(pf)+"px 6px; background:"+mAtt.bg_off+"; cursor:hand;"
    		var mM = '<div id="'+name+menuName+'" style="'+styStr+'">'+txt+'</div>';
    		document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", mM);
    		var mainMenu = document.all[name+menuName];
    	mainMenu.onmouseover = Function('if('+hasSub+')'+menuName+'.subs["'+name+'"].show("'+wipePos+'");over_out(this, "'+mAtt.bg_on+'", "'+mAtt.fg_on+'")')
    	mainMenu.onmouseout = Function('if('+hasSub+')'+menuName+'.subs["'+name+'"].hide();over_out(this, "'+mAtt.bg_off+'", "'+mAtt.fg_off+'");')
    	mainMenu.onmousedown = Function('location.href = "'+url+'"');
    	this.main[name] = new menuObj(;
    	this.mainNum[this.mainNum.length] = this.main[name];
    	if(!hasSub) return;
    	if(is.ns4) {
    		var subC = new Layer(sAtt.width);
    		subC.visibility = "hidden";
    	if(is.dom) {
    		var subC = document.createElement("DIV"); = name+menuName+"Sub";
    		var wf = (is.ns6x) ?4 : 0;
    		var styStr = "position:absolute; visibility:hidden; clip:rect(0px "+(sAtt.width+20)+"px 0px 0px); border:solid 1px "+sAtt.border_color+"; border-width:"+sAtt.border+"px 0px 0px 0px; cursor:default;" = styStr;
    		subC.setAttribute("style", styStr);
    	if(is.ie4) {
    		var styStr = "position:absolute; visibility:hidden; clip:rect(0px "+(sAtt.width+20)+"px 0px 0px); border:solid 1px "+sAtt.border_color+"; border-width:"+sAtt.border+"px 0px 0px 0px; cursor:default;"
    		var sC = '<div id="'+name+menuName+'Sub" style="'+styStr+'"></div>';
    		document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", sC);
    		var subC = document.all[name+menuName+"Sub"];
    	this.subs[name] = new menuObj(, this.main[name]);
    	subC.onmouseover = Function(menuName+'.subs["'+name+'"].show("'+wipePos+'");');
    	subC.onmouseout = Function(menuName+'.subs["'+name+'"].hide();');
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  2. #2
    Parte 2:
    wipeMenu.prototype.addSub = function(name, parent, txt, url) {
    	if(is.ns4) {
    		var tempsub = new Layer(sAtt.width, this.subs[parent].lyr);
    		var styStr = "text-decoration:none; color:"+sAtt.fg_off+"; padding:"+((sAtt.height/2)-(sAtt.font_size/2)-2)+"px 0px 0px 0px; font-size:"+sAtt.font_size+"px; font-family:"+sAtt.font+";"
    		var pd = "padding:0px 6px 0px 6px;"
    		tempsub.document.write('<div align="'+sAtt.align+'" style="'+pd+'">'+txt+'</div>');
    		if(sAtt.bg_off.indexOf("url") != -1) {
    			tempsub.background.src = sAtt.bg_off.substring(4,sAtt.bg_off.length-1);
    			tempsub.background.src = sAtt.bg_off.substring(4,sAtt.bg_off.length-1);
    		} else tempsub.bgColor = sAtt.bg_off;
    		tempsub.visibility = "inherit";
    	if(is.dom) {
    		var tempsub = document.createElement("DIV");
    		var pf = Math.ceil(((mAtt.height-mAtt.font_size)/2)-2); var wf = (is.ns6x || is.strict) ?12 : 0;
    		var pf2 = (mAtt.height%2 == 0) ?1 : 0; = name+menuName+"SubItem";
    		tempsub.innerHTML = txt;
    		var styStr = "width:"+(sAtt.width-wf)+"px; border:solid "+sAtt.border+"px "+sAtt.border_color+"; border-top-width:0px; color:"+sAtt.fg_off+";  text-align:"+sAtt.align+"; font-size:"+sAtt.font_size+"px; font-family:"+sAtt.font+"; padding:"+pf+"px 6px "+(pf+pf2)+"px 6px; background:"+sAtt.bg_off+"; cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" = styStr;
    		tempsub.setAttribute("style", styStr);
    	if(is.ie4) {
    		var pf = Math.ceil(((mAtt.height-mAtt.font_size)/2)-2);
    		var pf2 = (mAtt.height%2 == 0) ?1 : 0;
    		var styStr = "width:"+(sAtt.width)+"px; border:solid "+sAtt.border+"px "+sAtt.border_color+"; border-top-width:0px; color:"+sAtt.fg_off+"; text-align:"+sAtt.align+"; font-size:"+sAtt.font_size+"px; font-family:"+sAtt.font+"; padding:"+(pf+pf2)+"px 6px "+(pf+pf2)+"px 6px; background:"+sAtt.bg_off+"; cursor:hand;";
    		var ts = '<div id="'+name+menuName+'SubItem" style="'+styStr+'" onmouseover="over_out(this, \''+sAtt.bg_on+'\', \''+sAtt.fg_on+'\')" onmouseout="over_out(this, \''+sAtt.bg_off+'\', \''+sAtt.fg_off+'\')" onmousedown="location.href=\''+url+'\'">'+txt+'</div>';
    		this.subs[parent].lyr.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", ts);
    	if(!is.ie4) {
    		tempsub.onmouseover = Function('over_out(this, "'+sAtt.bg_on+'", "'+sAtt.fg_on+'")');
    		tempsub.onmouseout = Function('over_out(this, "'+sAtt.bg_off+'", "'+sAtt.fg_off+'")');
    		tempsub.onmousedown = Function('location.href = "'+url+'"');
    } = function(p) {
    	if(p == "h") {
    		this.sty.left = this.parent.offX()+css_px; = this.parent.offY()+this.parent.offH()+css_px;
    	} else {
    		this.sty.left = this.parent.offX()+this.parent.offW()+css_px; = this.parent.offY()+css_px;
    	this.sty.visibility = "visible";
    	this.sty.zIndex = "12";
    menuObj.prototype.doShow = function() {
    	this.clipIt(0, this.offW(), this.wipe, 0);
    	this.wipe += 10;
    	if(this.wipe <= this.maxWipe()) this.timer = setTimeout(this.obj + ".doShow()", 45)
    menuObj.prototype.hide = function() {
    	this.clipIt(0, this.offW(), this.wipe-10, 0);
    	this.wipe -= 10;
    	if(this.wipe >= 0) this.timer = setTimeout(this.obj + ".hide()", 50);
    	else this.sty.visibility = "hidden";
    function over_out(obj, bg, fg) {
    	if(is.ns4) {
    		if(bg.indexOf("url") != -1) obj.background.src = bg.substring(4,bg.length-1)
    		else obj.background.src = "", obj.bgColor = bg;
    	else { = bg; = fg;
    menuObj.prototype.clipIt = function(t,r,b,l) {
    	if(!is.ns4) this.sty.clip = "rect("+t+"px, "+r+"px, "+b+"px, "+l+"px)"
    	else { = t;
    		this.sty.clip.right = r;
    		this.sty.clip.bottom = b;
    		this.sty.clip.left = l;
    wipeMenu.prototype.buildMenu = function(x,y,spacing) {
    	this.mainNum[0].sty.left = x+css_px;
    	this.mainNum[0] = y+css_px;
    	if(!is.ns4 && spacing == 0) var spacing = -this.mAtt.border;
    	for(i = 1; i < this.mainNum.length; i++) {
    		if(this.pos == "h") {
    			this.mainNum[i].sty.left = this.mainNum[i-1].offX()+this.mainNum[i-1].offW()+spacing+css_px;
    			this.mainNum[i] = this.mainNum[i-1].offY()+css_px;
    		} else {
    			this.mainNum[i].sty.left = this.mainNum[i-1].offX()+css_px;
    			this.mainNum[i] = this.mainNum[i-1].offY()+this.mainNum[i-1].offH()+spacing+css_px;
    function wipeMenu(menu,p,ma,sa) { = menu;
    	this.pos = p;
    	this.mAtt = ma;
    	this.sAtt = (!sa) ?ma : sa;
    	this.main = [];
    	this.mainNum = [];
    	this.subs = [];
    function preLoadMenuImages() {
    	if(!img) var img = [];
    	var imgs = preLoadMenuImages.arguments;
    	for(i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++) {
    		img[i] = new Image();
    		img[i].src = imgs[i];
    if(document.layers) {
    var pX = innerWidth;
    var pY = innerHeight;
    	onresize= function(){
    		if(pX!= innerWidth || pY!= innerHeight) history.go(0);
    function swapIt(img, src, id) {
    	if(is.ie4 || is.ns4 && !id) document.images[img].src = src;
    	if(is.ns4 && id) document.layers[id].document.images[img].src = src;
    	if(is.dom) document.getElementById(img).setAttribute('src', src);
    function initSwipeMenu() {
    	preLoadMenuImages("button_on.gif", "button_off.gif");
    	menuAtt = new Array();
    	menuAtt["width"] = 120;
    	menuAtt["height"] = 20;
    	menuAtt["align"] = "center";
    	menuAtt["font"] = "Verdana";
    	menuAtt["font_size"] = 10;
    	menuAtt["bg_off"] = "#FF6633";
    	menuAtt["bg_on"] = "#FFFFFF";
    	menuAtt["fg_off"] = "#FFFFFF";
    	menuAtt["fg_on"] = "#FF6633";
    	menuAtt["border"] = 1;
    	menuAtt["border_color"] = "#333333";
    	//Menu 1
    	myMenu = new wipeMenu("myMenu", "h", menuAtt);
    	myMenu.addMain("news", true, "News", "#");
    		myMenu.addSub("newsSub1", "news", "Le ultime bla bla", "#");
    		myMenu.addSub("newsSub2", "news", "News Sito", "#");
    		myMenu.addSub("newsSub3", "news", "ANSA News", "#");
    	myMenu.addMain("shapes", true, "Basic Shapes", "shapes4.htm");
    		myMenu.addSub("shapesSub1", "shapes", "Rectangle", "rectangle5.htm");
    		myMenu.addSub("shapesSub2", "shapes", "Rounded Corners", "corners6.htm");
    		myMenu.addSub("shapesSub3", "shapes", "Lines", "lines7.htm");
    		myMenu.addSub("shapesSub4", "shapes", "Circle", "circle8.htm");
    		myMenu.addSub("shapesSub5", "shapes", "Ellipse", "ellipse9.htm");
    		myMenu.addSub("shapesSub6", "shapes", "Polygon", "polygon10.htm");
    		myMenu.addSub("shapesSub7", "shapes", "PolyLine", "polyline11.htm");
            myMenu.addSub("shapesSub8", "shapes", "Paths", "paths12.htm");
    		myMenu.addMain("filters", true, "Filters", "filters13.htm");
    		myMenu.addSub("filtersSub7", "filters", "Gaussian Blur", "blur14.htm");
            myMenu.addSub("filtersSub8", "filters", "Turbulence", "turbulance15.htm");
    		myMenu.addSub("filtersSub8", "filters", "Other Filters", "other16.htm");
    		myMenu.addMain("gradient", true, "Gradients", "gradients17.htm");
    		myMenu.addSub("gradientSub1", "gradient", "Linear", "linear18.htm");
    		myMenu.addSub("gradientSub2", "gradient", "Radial", "radial19.htm");
    		myMenu.addMain("text", true, "Text", "text20.htm");
    		myMenu.addSub("textSub1", "text", "Rotate text", "rotate21.htm");
    		myMenu.addSub("textSub1", "text", "Whats Next?", "next22.htm");
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  3. #3
    Forse è un tantino lunghetto... ma veramente non so dove mettere le mani!!
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  4. #4
    Forse oggi avrò più fortuna...
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  5. #5
    Utente di
    Registrato dal
    Aug 2002
    forse e solo forse metti un link ad una pagina che lo utilizza. mi ha ubriacato la prima parte del codice da sola... figuriamoci con l'aggiunta e niente esempio.
    "The answer to your question is: welcome to tomorrow"

  6. #6
    Ok, ecco una pagina col menu...

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  7. #7
    Ehm, Andrea1979 dov'è???
    Earn money for searching the internet:
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  8. #8
    Utente di
    Registrato dal
    Aug 2002
    da dove hai preso il codice? Cercando su google è saltato fuori che dovrebbe essere del codice prodotto da un estensione per DW

    se l'hai presa da lì, hai dato un'occhiata agli esempi?
    "The answer to your question is: welcome to tomorrow"

  9. #9
    L'ho preso da un sito di script già pronti, che (onestamente) non ricordo più qual'è...
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