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  1. #1
    Utente di
    Registrato dal
    Nov 2001

    validazione W3C non possibile per codice statistiche

    Non riesco a validare la mia index page con il W3C x un solore errore che sembra essere presente nel codice HTML per conteggiare le statistice (quello di HTML webtool).
    Riporto qui di seguito l'errore che mi da il validator check, qualcuno ha avuto lo stesso problema e come la risolto?


    "Warning Line 209 column 99: cannot generate system identifier for general entity "idutente"."></script>"

    An entity reference was found in the document, but there is no reference by that name defined. Often this is caused by misspelling the reference name, unencoded ampersands, or by leaving off the trailing semicolon (. The most common cause of this error is unencoded ampersands in URLs as described by the WDG in "Ampersands in URLs".

    Entity references start with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (. If you want to use a literal ampersand in your document you must encode it as "&amp;" (even inside URLs!). Be careful to end entity references with a semicolon or your entity reference may get interpreted in connection with the following text. Also keep in mind that named entity references are case-sensitive; &Aelig; and &aelig; are different characters.

    If this error appears in some markup generated by PHP's session handling code, this article has explanations and solutions to your problem.

    Note that in most documents, errors related to entity references will trigger up to 5 separate messages from the Validator. Usually these will all disappear when the original problem is fixed. "

  2. #2
    Utente di L'avatar di Marcolino's
    Registrato dal
    May 2003
    Nell'url al posto di & devi scrivere il suo valore in entità, per esemio: & amp ; ovviamente tutto attaccato.

  3. #3
    Utente di
    Registrato dal
    Nov 2001
    Grazie Marcolino, era proprio quello!

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