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  1. #1
    Utente di
    Registrato dal
    Jan 2008

    Installare penna wifi digicom: lsusb non mostra nulla

    Ciao a tutti, sono nuovo.
    Ho installato una debian con kernel 2.6.18-5-486, e ho installato tramite synaptics il pacchetto nominato zd1211. Bene, inserisco la penna della digicom(quella bianca) ma nulla.
    Provo allora a digitare 'lsusb' e nulla, mi riconosce solo il mouse, unica periferica usb installata sul portatile.
    Allora ho seguito una procedura per aggiornare il firmware, vistoqui , ma nulla.
    Avete suggerimenti?
    Grazie a tutti

  2. #2
    quale e' il modello ?

  3. #3
    Utente di
    Registrato dal
    Jan 2008
    Il modello è: 6D1320 USB Wave 54

    MAC: 00.11.F6.xx.xx.xx

    Se non ho capito male, il chipset è ZD1211. Ho provato ad installare i driver del CD (ZD1211LnxDrv_2_2_0_0) seguendo la guida allegata:

    1. Introduction:
    Because more and more people install the Linux operating system in the desktop and notebook, we provide the Linux solution of our ZD1211 802.11a+b+g Wireless LAN Card. ZD1211 provides 802.11 a+b+g wireless solution for USB interface. In our ZD1211 solution, we can run in the Infrastructure (Managed), Ad-hoc or AP (Master) modes. One can easily change these modes. This document is intended to describe how to setup and how to use ZD1211 under the Linux operating system.

    2.1 Requirements:
    1.Kernel 2.4+ . The driver had success built in Redhat9, Fedora Core2,3 ,and Debian 3.1. You can easily build it without any problem
    2.To build zd1211 you will need: Configured kernel source code for the kernel you are running. Ideally, Configured means that you have at least run 'make config', 'make enuconfig', or 'make xconfig'. If your platform is not SMP system, please don't config SMP supported, because when module loaded, this will make unresolved symbol.
    3.Make sure your kernel usb 2.0 support is running
    Use lsmod to check "ehci-hcd" module is loaded.
    If host is not support usb 2.0, zd1211 will run under pure-b mode.

    2. Building the device driver:
    In this section, we will describe how to build our ZD1211 Linux driver under the Linux operating system.

    2.1 Uncompress the package:
    tar zxvf ZD1211LnxDrv_xxxx.tar.gz (where xxxx is the version number, such as 2_0_0_0)

    The first thing one should do is uncompress this package by tar. After untar this package, you can see the source files. One should change directory into this directory for proceeding the next step.

    2.2 Build and install the package:
    The package contains drivers for ZD1211 and ZD1211B. If you doesn’t have specified request, both of them will be installed.
    Under the extracted directory, there is a Makefile in it. Because our driver can support for kernel 2.4 and kernel 2.6, there are two sets of rule in the Makefile. One has to modify the Makefile according to the path of “kernel source tree” and the version of the kernel in your system. In the Makefile, you may see the following statements,
    # if the kernel is 2.6.x, turn on this
    # if the kernel is 2.4.x, turn on this
    If you want to build the kernel under the kernel of 2.4.x, one has to let the variable KERN_24=y and comment the KERN_26=y like that as the example above and modify the variable KERNEL_SOURCE to the path which you install the kernel source. After doing these things, one just need to type the “make”, and the driver module will be generated and installed.

    2.3 Install individual driver:
    If you only need driver of ZD1211 or ZD1211B, you can issue :

    make clean
    make ZD1211REV_B=0 (0 for ZD1211, 1 for ZD1211B)
    make ZD1211REV_B=0 install (0 for ZD1211, 1 for ZD1211B)

    to install the driver.

    2.4 Build the debugging tool:
    There are two debugging tools in this package, “apdbg” and “menudbg”. Run “make debug” to compile them both. If you don’t have the ncurse library, you may get some error messages while compiling menudbg. You can ignore it and get apdbg only

    3. Getting Start:
    3.1 Load the driver:
    One can use the modprobe –v zd1211(or zd1211b) to load our driver. In order to check whether our driver is loaded successfully, one can use the “lsmod” for this check. If our driver is loaded successfully, the following messages should be seen
    zd1211 183576 0 (unused)
    Please note that the 183576 may not be the same as that in your system.

    Quindi, con lsusb nn vede nulla, e nemmeno con iwconfig.

  4. #4

  5. #5
    i chipset Zydas sono tra i meglio supportati....

    però ho un appunto da fare sull'adattatore in questione....tempo fa ne comprai uno, installai i driver opportuni ma non funzionava....riusciva a loggarsi sulla rete e ottenere un indirizzo IP ma alla fine non andava e la colpa non era del driver ma dell'unità stessa che si surriscaldava dopo pochi minuti fino a fondere....

    purtroppo leggendo su vari forum molti utenti hanno avuto lo stesso problema con gli adattatori Wave 54

  6. #6
    Utente di
    Registrato dal
    Jan 2008
    @sacarde: si si, ho già provato tutto quello disponibile in rete.
    Speravo che qualcuno avesse avuto la mia stessa esperienza.
    Ci spero

  7. #7
    Utente di
    Registrato dal
    Jan 2008
    @paolino_delta_t: a me non viene proprio riconosciuta come periferica USB!Si accende la lucina e basta.

  8. #8
    lo carichi il modulo del kernel ?

    lo visualizzi
    modprobe -l | grep 1211

    per poi caricarlo:
    modprobe zd1211rw

    poi passi al firmware come sopra

  9. #9
    Utente di
    Registrato dal
    Jan 2008
    Scusa, ma cosa intendi con: lo carichi il kernel?
    Cioè io cosa dovrei fare in tal senso?

    Cmq ho letto in giro che il kernel 2.6.18-5-486 dovrebbe già riconoscere quel chipset; come mai a me no?

    Il fatto che lsusb nn mi veda la penna wifi è perchè nn ci sono i driver?visto che il mouse viene riconosciuto, vero?

  10. #10
    i moduli ci sono nel kernel......

    ma vanno caricati.... prova con

    modprobe zd1211rw

    si e' perche' non sono stati caricati i driver e il firmware

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