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    [Java] Domanda stupida su class

    Salve a tutti.
    Sono un neofita di java e avrei una domanda banale.
    Sto creando una piccola applicazione con NetBeans e nel codice sorgente ho incollato questa classe:
    class Example3  {
       //--- Private instances declarations
       private final static int POINTS_PER_INCH = 72;
        * Constructor: Example3 
       public Example3 () {
          //--- Create a new PrinterJob object
          PrinterJob printJob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob ();
          //--- Create a new book to add pages to
          Book book = new Book ();
          //--- Add the cover page using the default page format for this print job
          book.append (new IntroPage (), printJob.defaultPage ());
          //--- Add the document page using a landscape page format
          PageFormat documentPageFormat = new PageFormat ();
          documentPageFormat.setOrientation (PageFormat.LANDSCAPE);
          book.append (new Document (), documentPageFormat);         
          //--- Add a third page using the same painter
          book.append (new Document (), documentPageFormat);         
          //--- Tell the printJob to use the book as the pageable object
          printJob.setPageable (book); 
          //--- Show the print dialog box. If the user click the 
          //--- print button we then proceed to print else we cancel
          //--- the process.
          if (printJob.printDialog()) {
             try {
             } catch (Exception PrintException) {
        * Class: IntroPage 
        * This class defines the painter for the cover page by implementing the
        * Printable interface. 
        * @author Jean-Pierre Dube <>
        * @version 1.0
        * @since 1.0
        * @see Printable
       private class IntroPage implements Printable {
           * Method: print 
           * @param g a value of type Graphics
           * @param pageFormat a value of type PageFormat
           * @param page a value of type int
           * @return a value of type int
          public int print (Graphics g, PageFormat pageFormat, int page) {
             //--- Create the Graphics2D object
             Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
             //--- Translate the origin to 0,0 for the top left corner
             g2d.translate (pageFormat.getImageableX (), pageFormat.getImageableY ());
             //--- Set the default drawing color to black
             g2d.setPaint (;
             //--- Draw a border arround the page
             Rectangle2D.Double border = new Rectangle2D.Double (0, 
                                                                 pageFormat.getImageableWidth (),
                                                                 pageFormat.getImageableHeight ());
             g2d.draw (border);
             //--- Print the title
             String titleText = "Printing in Java Part 2";
             Font titleFont = new Font ("helvetica", Font.BOLD, 36);
             g2d.setFont (titleFont);
             //--- Compute the horizontal center of the page
             FontMetrics fontMetrics = g2d.getFontMetrics ();
             double titleX = (pageFormat.getImageableWidth () / 2) - (fontMetrics.stringWidth (titleText) / 2);
             double titleY = 3 * POINTS_PER_INCH;
             g2d.drawString (titleText, (int) titleX, (int) titleY);
             return (PAGE_EXISTS);
        * Class: Document 
        * This class is the painter for the document content.
        * @author Jean-Pierre Dube <>
        * @version 1.0
        * @since 1.0
        * @see Printable
       private class Document implements Printable {
           * Method: print 
           * @param g a value of type Graphics
           * @param pageFormat a value of type PageFormat
           * @param page a value of type int
           * @return a value of type int
          public int print (Graphics g, PageFormat pageFormat, int page) {
             //--- Create the Graphics2D object
             Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
             //--- Translate the origin to 0,0 for the top left corner
             g2d.translate (pageFormat.getImageableX (), pageFormat.getImageableY ());
             //--- Set the drawing color to black
             g2d.setPaint (;
             //--- Draw a border arround the page using a 12 point border
             g2d.setStroke (new BasicStroke (12));
             Rectangle2D.Double border = new Rectangle2D.Double (0, 
                                                                 pageFormat.getImageableWidth (),
                                                                 pageFormat.getImageableHeight ());
             g2d.draw (border);
             //--- Print page 1
             if (page == 1) {
                //--- Print the text one inch from the top and laft margins
                g2d.drawString ("This the content page of page: " + page, POINTS_PER_INCH, POINTS_PER_INCH);
                return (PAGE_EXISTS);
             //--- Print page 2
             else if (page == 2) {
                //--- Print the text one inch from the top and laft margins
                g2d.drawString ("This the content of the second page: " + page, POINTS_PER_INCH, POINTS_PER_INCH);
                return (PAGE_EXISTS);
             //--- Validate the page
             return (NO_SUCH_PAGE);
    } // Example3
    Come faccio a richiamarla di un pulsante JButton?
    grazie in anticipo dell'aiuto
    OnLine il nuovo sito:

  2. #2
    Utente di L'avatar di Alex'87
    Registrato dal
    Aug 2001

    Re: [Java] Domanda stupida su class

    Originariamente inviato da rob_santini
    Come faccio a richiamarla di un pulsante JButton?
    grazie in anticipo dell'aiuto
    Aggiungi un ActionListener al tuo pulsante:

    myButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            // istanzia qui la tua classe
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