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  1. #1

    [C#] Creazione programma

    Ho creato un programma per fare in modo che interagisca con un server, che deve ricevere una stringa di dati che gli permetta di poter eseguire delle operazioni... Ora, sono riuscito a far aprire la connessione al programma, credo che riesca a mandare i dati, ma non so se il server riceva correttamente le infomazioni.. potreste aiutarmi?

  2. #2
    potreste aiutarmi?
    Come possiamo aiutarti? Mancano informazioni fondamentali, per esempio con quale tipo di server stai cercando di comunicare? Mostra un po' di codice.
    "Se riesci a passare un pomeriggio assolutamente inutile in modo assolutamente inutile, hai imparato a vivere."

  3. #3
    E' un server che gestisce un hotel virtuale (identico ad ed ha due connessioni, una per GAMEPort e una MUSPort, che è quella a cui dobbiamo connettere il programma.

    Questo è nel server principale (in musSocketServer):

    using System; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Collections.Generic;  using Holo.Managers; using Holo.Virtual.Users; using Holo.Virtual.Rooms;  namespace Holo.Socketservers {     /// <summary>     /// Asynchronous socket server for the MUS connections.     /// </summary>     public static class musSocketServer     {         private static Socket socketHandler;         private static int _Port;         private static string _musHost;         /// <summary>          /// Initializes the socket listener for MUS connections and starts listening.          /// </summary>          /// <param name="bindPort">The port where the socket listener should be bound to.</param>          /// <remarks></remarks>          internal static bool Init(int bindPort, string musHost)         {             _Port = bindPort;             _musHost = musHost;             socketHandler = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);              Out.WriteLine("Starting up asynchronous socket server for MUS connections for port " + bindPort + "...");             try             {                 socketHandler.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, bindPort));                 socketHandler.Listen(25);                 socketHandler.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(connectionRequest), socketHandler);                  Out.WriteLine("Asynchronous socket server for MUS connections running on port " + bindPort);                 Out.WriteLine("Listening for MUS connections from " + musHost);                 return true;             }              catch             {                 Out.WriteError("Error while setting up asynchronous socket server for MUS connections on port " + bindPort);                 Out.WriteError("Port " + bindPort + " could be invalid or in use already.");                 return false;             }         }         private static void connectionRequest(IAsyncResult iAr)         {             Socket newSocket = ((Socket)iAr.AsyncState).EndAccept(iAr);             if (newSocket.RemoteEndPoint.ToString().Split(':')[0] != _musHost)             {                 newSocket.Close();                 return;             }              musConnection newConnection = new musConnection(newSocket);             socketHandler.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(connectionRequest), socketHandler);         }         /// <summary>         /// Represents an asynchronous, one time usage, socket connection between the emulator and HoloCMS, used for various live updates between site & server.         /// </summary>         private class musConnection         {             private Socket Connector;             private byte[] dataBuffer = new byte[10001];             /// <summary>             /// Initializes the musConnection and listens for one single packet, processes it and closes the connection. On any error, the connection is closed.             /// </summary>             /// <param name="Connector">The socket of the musConnection.</param>             internal musConnection(Socket Connector)             {                 this.Connector = Connector;                 Connector.BeginReceive(dataBuffer, 0, dataBuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, new AsyncCallback(dataArrival), null);             }             /// <summary>             /// Called when a packet is received, the packet will be processed and the connection will be closed (after processing packet) in all cases. No errors will be thrown.             /// </summary>             /// <param name="iAr"></param>             private void dataArrival(IAsyncResult iAr)             {                 try                 {                     int bytesReceived = Connector.EndReceive(iAr);                     string Data = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(dataBuffer, 0, bytesReceived);                      string musHeader = Data.Substring(0, 4);                     string[] musData = Data.Substring(4).Split(Convert.ToChar(2));                      Out.WriteLine("HOLOCMSDATA: " + Data);                      #region MUS trigger commands                     // Unsafe code, but on any error it jumps to the catch block & disconnects the socket                     switch (musHeader)                     {                         case "HKTM": // Housekeeping - textmessage [BK] :: "HKTM123This is a test message to user with ID 123"                              {                                 int userID = int.Parse(musData[0]);                                 string Message = musData[1];                                 userManager.getUser(userID).sendData("BK" + Message);                                 break;                             }                          case "HKMW": // Housekeeping - alert user [mod warn] :: "HKMW123This is a test mod warn to user with ID 123"                              {                                 int userID = int.Parse(musData[0]);                                 string Message = musData[1];                                 userManager.getUser(userID).sendData("B!" + Message + Convert.ToChar(2));                                 break;                             }                          case "HKUK": // Housekeeping - kick user from room [mod warn] :: "HKUK123This is a test kick from room + modwarn for user with ID 123"                              {                                 int userID = int.Parse(musData[0]);                                 string Message = musData[1];                                 virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(userID);                                 if (User.Room != null)                                     User.Room.removeUser(User.roomUser.roomUID, true, Message);                                 break;                             }                          case "HKAR": // Housekeeping - alert certain rank with BK message, contains flag to include users with higher rank :: "HKAR11This is a test message for all users with rank 1 and higher, so kindof a Hotel alert :D"                              {                                 byte Rank = byte.Parse(musData[0]);                                 bool includeHigher = (musData[1] == "1");                                 string Message = musData[2];                                 userManager.sendToRank(Rank, includeHigher, "BK" + Message);                                 break;                             }                          case "HKSB": // Housekeeping - ban user & kick from room :: "HKSB123This is a test ban for user with ID 123"                              {                                 int userID = int.Parse(musData[0]);                                 string Message = musData[1];                                 virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(userID);                                 User.sendData("@c" + Message);                                 User.Disconnect(1000);                                 break;                             }                          case "HKRC": // Housekeeping - rehash catalogue :: "HKRC"                             {                                 catalogueManager.Init();                                 break;                             }                          case "UPRA": // User profile - reload figure, sex and mission (poof!)                             {                                 int userID = int.Parse(musData[0]);                                 userManager.getUser(userID).refreshAppearance(true, true, true);                                 break;                             }                          case "UPRC": // User profile - reload credits                             {                                 int userID = int.Parse(musData[0]);                                 userManager.getUser(userID).refreshValueables(true, false);                                 break;                             }                          case "UPRT": // User profile - reload tickets                             {                                 int userID = int.Parse(musData[0]);                                 userManager.getUser(userID).refreshValueables(false, true);                                 break;                             }                          case "UPRS": // User profile - reload subscription (and badges)                             {                                 int userID = int.Parse(musData[0]);                                 virtualUser User = userManager.getUser(userID);                                 User.refreshClub();                                 User.refreshBadges();                                 break;                             }                          case "UPRH":// User profile - reload hand                             {                                 int userID = int.Parse(musData[0]);                                 userManager.getUser(userID).refreshHand("new");                                 break;                             }                     }                     #endregion                 }                 catch { }                 finally {killConnection();}             }             /// <summary>             /// Closes the connection and destroys the object.             /// </summary>             private void killConnection()             {                 try { Connector.Close(); }                 catch { }             }         }      } }
    Questo è quello nel programma per inviare:

    sock.Send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("HKMW" + 1 + Convert.ToChar(2) + "Test"));

  4. #4
    Moderatore di Programmazione L'avatar di alka
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    Oct 2001
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