Salve a tutti,
seguendo l'esempio riportato sul sito di paypal ho fatto il seguente IPN:

Codice PHP:
// PHP 4.1

// read the post from PayPal system and add 'cmd'
$req 'cmd=_notify-validate';

foreach (
$_POST as $key => $value) {
$value urlencode(stripslashes($value));
$req .= "&$key=$value";

// post back to PayPal system to validate
$header .= "POST /cgi-bin/webscr HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$header .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
$header .= "Content-Length: " strlen($req) . "\r\n\r\n";
//$fp = fsockopen ('ssl://', 443, $errno, $errstr, 30);
$fp fsockopen (''80$errno$errstr30); 
// assign posted variables to local variables
$item_name $_POST['item_name'];
$item_number $_POST['item_number'];
$payment_status $_POST['payment_status'];
$payment_amount $_POST['mc_gross'];
$payment_currency $_POST['mc_currency'];
$txn_id $_POST['txn_id'];
$receiver_email $_POST['receiver_email'];
$payer_email $_POST['payer_email'];

if (!
$fp) {
} else {
fputs ($fp$header $req);
while (!
feof($fp)) {
$res fgets ($fp1024);
if (
strcmp ($res"VERIFIED") == 0) {
// check the payment_status is Completed
// check that txn_id has not been previously processed
// check that receiver_email is your Primary PayPal email
// check that payment_amount/payment_currency are correct
// process payment
else if (
strcmp ($res"INVALID") == 0) {
// log for manual investigation
fclose ($fp);

se mi stampo il valore della variabile $res ottengo:

HTTP/1.0 400 Bad request 
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2010 12:01:25 GMT 
Server: Apache 
Content-Type: text/plain 

Can't do transparent proxying without a Host: header.
di cosa di tratta?