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Discussione: Problema While....

  1. #1

    Problema While....

    Salve a tutti quando esegui il While tramite questa funzione:

    Codice PHP:
    function display($content, $title, $topnav=true, $leftnav=true, $rightnav=true, $badstart=false) { // Finalize page and output to browser.          global $numqueries, $userrow, $controlrow, $version, $build;     if (!isset($controlrow)) {         $controlquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id='1' LIMIT 1", "control");         $controlrow = mysql_fetch_array($controlquery);     }     if ($badstart == false) { global $starttime; } else { $starttime = $badstart; }          // Make page tags for XHTML validation.     $xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n"     "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">\n"     "<html xmlns=\"\" xml:lang=\"en\" lang=\"en\">\n";      $template gettemplate("primary");          if ($rightnav == true) { $rightnav gettemplate("rightnav"); } else { $rightnav ""; }     if ($leftnav == true) { $leftnav gettemplate("leftnav"); } else { $leftnav ""; }     if ($topnav == true) {         $topnav "                  <a href=\"index.php\">HOME</a> |          <a href=\"index.php?do=hof\">HALL OF FAME</a> |         <a href=\"mail.php\">MESSAGGI</a> |         <a href=\"index.php?do=editinfo\">PROFILO</a> |         <a href=\"login.php?do=logout\">ESCI</a>                        ";     } else {         $topnav "         - <a href=\"home.php\">HOME</a> |  <a href=\"users.php?do=register\">REGISTRATI</a> |  <a href=\"media.php\">MEDIA</a> |  <a href=\"faq.php\">F.A.Q</a> |  <a href=\"contattaci.php\">CONTATTACI</a> -         ";     }          if (isset($userrow)) {                  // Get userrow again, in case something has been updated.         $userquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id='".$userrow["id"]."' LIMIT 1", "users");         unset($userrow);         $userrow = mysql_fetch_array($userquery);                  // Current town name.         if ($userrow["currentaction"] == "In Citt&agrave") {             $townquery = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE latitude='".$userrow["latitude"]."' AND longitude='".$userrow["longitude"]."' LIMIT 1", "towns");             $townrow = mysql_fetch_array($townquery);             $userrow["currenttown"] = "Welcome to [b]".$townrow["name"]."[/b].

    ";         } else {             $userrow["currenttown"] = "";         }                  if ($controlrow["forumtype"] == 0) { $userrow["forumslink"] = ""; }         elseif ($controlrow["forumtype"] == 1) { $userrow["forumslink"] = "<a href=\"forum.php\">Forum</a>
    ; }         elseif ($controlrow["forumtype"] == 2) { $userrow["forumslink"] = "<a href=\"".$controlrow["forumaddress"]."\">Forum</a>
    ; }                  // Format various userrow stuffs...         if ($userrow["latitude"] < 0) { $userrow["latitude"] = $userrow["latitude"] * -1 . "S"; } else { $userrow["latitude"] .= "N"; }         if ($userrow["longitude"] < 0) { $userrow["longitude"] = $userrow["longitude"] * -1 . "W"; } else { $userrow["longitude"] .= "E"; }         $userrow["experience"] = number_format($userrow["experience"]);         $userrow["gold"] = number_format($userrow["gold"]);         if ($userrow["authlevel"] == 1) { $userrow["adminlink"] = "                  - <a href=\"admin.php\">Amministrazione</a>
    - <a href=\"index.php?do=updatequery\">Reset Turni</a>                  "; } else { $userrow["adminlink"] = ""; }          if ($userrow["skills"] == 0) { $userrow["skills"] = ""; }     else { $userrow["skills"] = "[<a href=\"index.php?do=skills\">+".$userrow["skills"]." SP</a>]"; }                                                    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////      ////////////////////////////////// Checking mail //////////////////////////////////////////      $link = opendb();      include('config.php');      $table=$dbsettings["prefix"] . "_mail";      $result = @ mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE UserTo='$userrow[id]' AND STATUS='unread'", $link);      $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);      if ( $num_rows > "0")       {      $userrow["check_mail"] = "<a href=\"mail.php\">Mail [".$num_rows."]</a>
    ";      }      else       {      $userrow["check_mail"] = "<a href=\"mail.php\">Mail</a>
    ;      }      ////////////////////////////// End Checking mail //////////////////////////////////////////      ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////       /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// HP - MP - TP bars /////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////    BY BLUE EYES   ///////////////////////////////////////////         //  START CHARACTER ALIGNMENT ARRAY if ($userrow["charalign"] == 1) { $userrow["charalign"] = $controlrow["align1name"]; } elseif ($userrow["charalign"] == 2) { $userrow["charalign"] = $controlrow["align2name"]; } elseif ($userrow["charalign"] == 3) { $userrow["charalign"] = $controlrow["align3name"]; } elseif ($userrow["charalign"] == 4) { $userrow["charalign"] = $controlrow["align4name"]; } elseif ($userrow["charalign"] == 5) { $userrow["charalign"] = $controlrow["align5name"]; } elseif ($userrow["charalign"] == 6) { $userrow["charalign"] = $controlrow["align6name"]; } elseif ($userrow["charalign"] == 7) { $userrow["charalign"] = $controlrow["align7name"]; } //  END CHARACTER ALIGNMENT ARRAY      $stathp = ceil($userrow["currenthp"] / $userrow["maxhp"] * 100);      $stattp = ceil($userrow["currenttp"] / $userrow["maxtp"] * 100);     if ($userrow["maxmp"] != 0) { $statmp = ceil($userrow["currentmp"] / $userrow["maxmp"] * 100); }      else { $statmp = 0; }           $stattable = "<table width=\"100\"><tr><td width=\"33%\">\n";     $stattable .= "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td style=\"padding:0px; width:100px; height:7px; border:solid                  0px black; vertical-align:bottom;\">\n";                    $stattable .= "<tr><td>[b][/b]HP: [/b]$userrow[currenthp] / $userrow[maxhp]</td></tr>";     $stattable .= "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr>                   <td style=\"padding:0px; width:100px; height:7px; border:solid 0px black; vertical-align:bottom;\">\n";                            if ($stathp >= 66)              { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$stathp."px; border-top:solid 0px black;                                                                background-image:url(images/bars_green.gif);\">                             <img src=\"images/bars_green.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>";              }          if ($stathp < 66 && $stathp >= 33)              { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$stathp."px; border-top:solid 0px black;                                                        background-image:url(images/bars_yellow.gif);\">                               <img src=\"images/bars_yellow.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>";              }          if ($stathp < 33)              { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$stathp."px; border-top:solid 0px black;                                                 background-image:url(images/bars_red.gif);\">                             <img src=\"images/bars_red.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>";              }                   $stattable .= "<tr><td>[b]MP: [/b]$userrow[currentmp] / $userrow[maxmp]</td></tr>";         $stattable .= "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr>                   <td style=\"padding:0px; width:100px; height:7px; border:solid 0px black; vertical-align:bottom;\">\n";                                         if ($statmp >= 66)              { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$statmp."px; border-top:solid 0px black;                                                                                                                                     background-image:url(images/bars_green.gif);\">                             <img src=\"images/bars_green.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>";              }                      if ($statmp < 66 && $statmp >= 33)              { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$statmp."px; border-top:solid 0px black;                                  background-image:url(images/bars_yellow.gif);\">                              <img src=\"images/bars_yellow.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>";              }                  if ($statmp < 33)              { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$statmp."px; border-top:solid 0px black;                            background-image:url(images/bars_red.gif);\">                             <img src=\"images/bars_red.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>";              }                    $stattable .= "<tr><td>[b]TP: [/b]$userrow[currenttp] / $userrow[maxtp]</td></tr>";         $stattable .= "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">                       <tr><td style=\"padding:0px; width:100px; height:7px; border:solid 0px black; vertical-align:bottom;\">\n";                                                       if ($stattp >= 66)              { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$stattp."px; border-top:solid 0px black;                             background-image:url(images/bars_green.gif);\">                              <img src=\"images/bars_green.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>";               }                       if ($stattp < 66 && $stattp >= 33)              { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$stattp."px; border-top:solid 0px black;                            background-image:url(images/bars_yellow.gif);\">                             <img src=\"images/bars_yellow.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>";              }                      if ($stattp < 33)              { $stattable .= "<div style=\"padding:0px; width:".$stattp."px; border-top:solid 0px black;                            background-image:url(images/bars_red.gif);\">                             <img src=\"images/bars_red.gif\" alt=\"\" /></div>";              }                                $stattable .= "</td></tr></table></td>\n";         $stattable .= "</table>\n";         $userrow["statbars"] = $stattable;           ////////////////// /////////// END BARS DISPLAY /////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////                  // Now make numbers stand out if they're low.         if ($userrow["currenthp"] <= ($userrow["maxhp"]/5)) { $userrow["currenthp"] = "<blink><span class=\"highlight\">[b]*".$userrow["currenthp"]."*[/b]</span></blink>"; }         if ($userrow["currentmp"] <= ($userrow["maxmp"]/5)) { $userrow["currentmp"] = "<blink><span class=\"highlight\">[b]*".$userrow["currentmp"]."*[/b]</span></blink>"; }          $spellquery = doquery("SELECT id,name,type FROM {{table}}","spells");         $userspells = explode(",",$userrow["spells"]);         $userrow["magiclist"] = "";         while ($spellrow = mysql_fetch_array($spellquery)) {             $spell = false;             foreach($userspells as $a => $b) {                 if ($b == $spellrow["id"] && $spellrow["type"] == 1) { $spell = true; }             }             if ($spell == true) {                 $userrow["magiclist"] .= "<a href=\"index.php?do=spell:".$spellrow["id"]."\">".$spellrow["name"]."</a>
    ";             }         }         if ($userrow["magiclist"] == "") { $userrow["magiclist"] = "None"; }                  // Travel To list.         $townslist = explode(",",$userrow["towns"]);         $townquery2 = doquery("SELECT FROM {{table}} ORDER BY id", "towns");         $userrow["townslist"] = "";         while ($townrow2 = mysql_fetch_array($townquery2)) {             $town = false;             foreach($townslist as $a => $b) {                 if ($b == $townrow2["id"]) { $town = true; }             }             if ($town == true) {                  $userrow["townslist"] .= "<a href=\"index.php?do=gotown:".$townrow2["id"]."\">".$townrow2["name"]."</a>
    ;              }         }              } else {         $userrow = array();     }      $finalarray = array(         "dkgamename"=>$controlrow["gamename"],         "title"=>$title,         "content"=>$content,         "rightnav"=>parsetemplate($rightnav,$userrow),         "leftnav"=>parsetemplate($leftnav,$userrow),         "topnav"=>$topnav,         "totaltime"=>round(getmicrotime() - $starttime4),         "numqueries"=>$numqueries,         "version"=>$version,         "build"=>$build);     $page parsetemplate($template$finalarray);     $page $xml $page;          if ($controlrow["compression"] == 1) { ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); }     echo $page;     die();      }
    Il while stampa solo 1 risultato (While in questione):

    Codice PHP:
    $sqls mysql_query("SELECT * FROM  dk_gilde  ORDER BY `nome` DESC"); while($row mysql_fetch_array($sqls)) {  $page "<center>" $row['nome'] . "
    display($page,"Lista gilde"); } 
    Hai bisogno di un CMS? Hai bisogno di un E-commerce? Oppure hai bisogno di un semplice sito?

    Chiedi a me!

  2. #2
    1 solo record?
    IP-PBX management:

    Old account: 2126 messages
    Oldest account: 3559 messages

  3. #3
    Si, solo 1... Anche se sono 5 i record nel DB..

    (Facendolo senza la funzione display() stampa tutti e 5)
    Hai bisogno di un CMS? Hai bisogno di un E-commerce? Oppure hai bisogno di un semplice sito?

    Chiedi a me!

  4. #4
    Originariamente inviato da Trynight
    Si, solo 1... Anche se sono 5 i record nel DB..

    (Facendolo senza la funzione display() stampa tutti e 5)
    riformatti il tuo codice in maniera che non si veda su una riga sola?
    IP-PBX management:

    Old account: 2126 messages
    Oldest account: 3559 messages

  5. #5
    Hai bisogno di un CMS? Hai bisogno di un E-commerce? Oppure hai bisogno di un semplice sito?

    Chiedi a me!

  6. #6
    Utente di L'avatar di DjBart
    Registrato dal
    Jan 2009
    Codice PHP:
    $sqls mysql_query("SELECT * FROM dk_gilde  ORDER BY id") or die("ERROR");
    $page"<font color=darkred><h2><center>Elenco gilde attive:

    $row mysql_fetch_array($sqls)){ 
    $page.= "".$row['nome']."

    display($page,"Lista gilde"); 
    Prova cosi dovrebbe funzionare

  7. #7
    Grazie DjBart Funziona
    Hai bisogno di un CMS? Hai bisogno di un E-commerce? Oppure hai bisogno di un semplice sito?

    Chiedi a me!

  8. #8


    Il tuo problema probabilmente era quel
    alla fine della tua funzione display...
    Tecnolgie per l'arte.
    Arti per la tecnologia.

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