Salve a tutti!

Devo realizzare un sistema di trasferimento file tra federati in una federazione di repository distribuiti tramite il protocollo Bittorrent. Seguendo le specifiche di tale protocollo stavo testando il funzionamento del server tracker tramite le macchine virtuali,cioè ho messo in seeding un file da una macchina virtuale utilizzando l'indirizzo del server tracker come announce URL(che risiede su macchina fisica). Il problema è che provando a scaricare il suddetto file da un uteriore macchina virtuale il client mi restituisce l'errore "database failure",cioè dato che il tracker dovrebbe creare un database con la lista di tutti i peers connessi è come se non riesce a creare il database. Quale può essere la causa?

Vi posto il codice del tracker

(Per realizzare il tracker sto usando Bitstorm

//Enable debugging?
//This allows anyone to see the entire peer database by appending ?debug to the announce URL
define('__DEBUGGING_ON', false);

//What version are we at?
define('__VERSION', 1.3);

//How often should clients pull server for new clients? (Seconds)
define('__INTERVAL', 1800);

//What's the minimum interval a client may pull the server? (Seconds)
//Some bittorrent clients does not obey this
define('__INTERVAL_MIN', 300);

//How long should we wait for a client to re-announce after the last
//announce expires? (Seconds)
define('__CLIENT_TIMEOUT', 60);

//Skip sending the peer id if client does not want it?
//Hint: Should be set to true
define('__NO_PEER_ID', true);

//Should seeders not see each others?
//Hint: Should be set to true
define('__NO_SEED_P2P', true);

//Where should we save the peer database
//On Linux, you should use /dev/shm as it is very fast.
//On Windows, you will need to change this value to some
//other valid path such as C:/Peers.txt
define('__LOCATION_PEERS', 'C:/');

//Should we enable short announces?
//This allows NATed clients to get updates much faster, but it also
//takes more load on the server.
//(This is just an experimental feature which may be turned off)
define('__ENABLE_SHORT_ANNOUNCE', true);

//In case someone tries to access the tracker using a browser,
//redirect to this URL or file
define('__REDIR_BROWSER', './ui.php');

 ** Configuration end **

//Send response as text
header('Content-type: Text/Plain');
header('X-Tracker-Version: Bitstorm '.__VERSION.' by'); //Please give me some credit
								 //If you *really* dont want to, comment this line out
//Bencoding function, returns a bencoded dictionary
//You may go ahead and enter custom keys in the dictionary in
//this function if you'd like.
function track($list, $interval=60, $min_ival=0) {
	if (is_string($list)) { //Did we get a string? Return an error to the client
		return 'd14:failure reason'.strlen($list).':'.$list.'e';
	$p = ''; //Peer directory
	$c = $i = 0; //Complete and Incomplete clients
	foreach($list as $d) { //Runs for each client
		if ($d[7]) { //Are we seeding?
			$c++; //Seeding, add to complete list
			if (__NO_SEED_P2P && is_seed()) { //Seeds should not see each others
		} else {
			$i++; //Not seeding, add to incomplete list
		//Do some bencoding
		$pid = '';
		if (!isset($_GET['no_peer_id']) && __NO_PEER_ID) { //Shall we include the peer id
			$pid = '7:peer id'.strlen($d[1]).':'.$d[1];
		$p .= 'd2:ip'.strlen($d[0]).':'.$d[0].$pid.'4:porti'.$d[2].'ee';
	//Add some other paramters in the dictionary and merge with peer list
	$r = 'd8:intervali'.$interval.'e12:min intervali'.$min_ival.'e8:completei'.$c.'e10:incompletei'.$i.'e5:peersl'.$p.'ee';
	return $r;

//Find out if we are seeding or not. Assume not if unknown.
function is_seed() {
	if (!isset($_GET['left'])) {
		return false;
	if ($_GET['left'] == 0) {
		return true;
	return false;

* Yeah, this is the database engine. It's pretty bad, uses files to store peers.
* Should be easy to rewrite to use SQL instead.
* Yes, sometimes collisions may occur and screw the DB over. It might or might not
* recover by itself.

//Save database to file
function db_save($data) {
	$b = serialize($data);
	$h = @fopen(__LOCATION_PEERS, 'w');
	if (!$h) { return false; }
	if (!@flock($h, LOCK_EX)) { return false; }
	@fwrite($h, $b);
	return true;

//Load database from file
function db_open() {
	$p = '';
	$m = '';
	$h = @fopen(__LOCATION_PEERS, 'r');
	if (!$h) { return false; }
	if (!@flock($h, LOCK_EX)) { return false; }
	while (!@feof($h)) {
		$p .= @fread($h, 512);
	return unserialize($p);

//Check if DB file exists, otherwise create it
function db_exists($create_empty=false) {
	if (file_exists(__LOCATION_PEERS)) {
		return true;
	if ($create_empty) {
		if (!db_save(array())) {
			return false;
		return true;
	return false;

//Default announce time
$interval = __INTERVAL;

//Minimal announce time (does not apply to short announces)
$interval_min = __INTERVAL_MIN;

* This is a pretty smart feature not present in other tracker software.
* If you expect to have many NATed clients, add short as a GET parameter,
* and clients will pull much more often.
* This can be done automatically, simply try to open a TCP connection to
* the client and assume it is NATed if not successful.
if (isset($_GET['short']) && __ENABLE_SHORT_ANNOUNCE) {
	$interval = 120;
	$interval_min = 30;

//Did we get any parameters at all?
//Client is  probably a web browser, do a redirect
if (empty($_GET)) {
	header('Location: '.__REDIR_BROWSER);

//Create database if it does not exist
db_exists(true) or die(track('Unable to create database'));
$d = db_open();

//Do we want to debug? (Should not be used by default)
if (isset($_GET['debug']) && __DEBUGGING_ON) {
	echo 'Connected peers:'.count($d)."\n\n";

//Did we get a failure from the database?
if ($d === false) {
	die(track('Database failure'));

//Do some input validation
function valdata($g, $must_be_20_chars=false) {
	if (!isset($_GET[$g])) {
		die(track('Missing one or more arguments'));
	if (!is_string($_GET[$g])) {
		die(track('Invalid types on one or more arguments'));
	if ($must_be_20_chars && strlen($_GET[$g]) != 20) {
		die(track('Invalid length on '.$g.' argument'));
	if (strlen($_GET[$g]) > 128) { //128 chars should really be enough
		die(track('Argument '.$g.' is too large to handle'));

//Inputs that are needed, do not continue without these
valdata('peer_id', true);
valdata('info_hash', true);

//Use the tracker key extension. Makes it much harder to steal a session.
if (!isset($_GET['key'])) {
	$_GET['key'] = '';

//Do we have a valid client port?
if (!ctype_digit($_GET['port']) || $_GET['port'] < 1 || $_GET['port'] > 65535) {
	die(track('Invalid client port'));

//Array key, unique for each client and torrent
$sum = sha1($_GET['peer_id'].$_GET['info_hash']);

//Make sure we've got a user agent to avoid errors
//Used for debugging
if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
	$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = ''; //Must always be set

//When should we remove the client?
$expire = time()+$interval;

//Have this client registered itself before? Check that it uses the same key
if (isset($d[$sum])) {
	if ($d[$sum][6] !== $_GET['key']) {
		sleep(3); //Anti brute force
		die(track('Access denied, authentication failed'));

//Add/update the client in our global list of clients, with some information
$d[$sum] = array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $_GET['peer_id'], $_GET['port'], $expire, $_GET['info_hash'], $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $_GET['key'], is_seed());

//No point in saving the user agent, unless we are debugging
if (!__DEBUGGING_ON) {
} elseif (!empty($_GET)) { //We are debugging, add GET parameters to database
	$d[$sum]['get_parm'] = $_GET;

//Did the client stop the torrent?
//We dont care about other events
if (isset($_GET['event']) && $_GET['event'] === 'stopped') {
	die(track(array())); //The RFC says its OK to return whatever we want when the client stops downloading,
                             //however, some clients will complain about the tracker not working, hence we return
                             //an empty bencoded peer list

//Check if any client timed out
foreach($d as $k => $data) {
	if (time() > $data[3]+__CLIENT_TIMEOUT) { //Give the client some extra time before timeout
		unset($d[$k]); //Client has gone away, remove it

//Save the client list

//Compare info_hash to the rest of our clients and remove anyone who does not have the correct torrent
foreach($d as $id => $info) {
	if ($info[4] !== $_GET['info_hash']) {

//Remove self from list, no point in having ourselfes in the client dictionary

//Add a few more seconds on the timeout to balance the load
$interval += rand(0, 10);

//Bencode the dictionary and send it back
die(track($d, $interval, $interval_min));