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Discussione: fastidiosi problemi

  1. #1
    Utente di
    Registrato dal
    Jul 2002

    fastidiosi problemi

    Salve a tutti.

    come da sistema funziona ma ci sono alcuni piccoli problemi che vorrei risolvere ma non trovo una soluzione anche perchè non sono un utente esperto.
    I problemi sono 4 e li elenco qui sotto in base all'importanza

    premetto che il mio è un pc fisso AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+ 4 GB di ram DDR2 Hard Disk 320 GB Scheda video Geforce GT520 2 GB DDR3 e UBUNTU 12.04 64 bit
    è collegato a un monitor 22" FULLHD infatti ho impostato la risoluzione a 1920x1080

    1 - Ho google Chrome versione 22.0.1229.94 e una Webcam Microsoft LifeCam HD 3000. Ebbene quando visualizzo un sito con animazioni flash che sia youtube o altro la spia della webcam inizia a lampeggiare! E quando apro un programma tipo Cheese o Camorama l'immagine si blocca dopo un secondo (letteralmente)
    Ho provato a disinstallare completamente Chrome e reinstallarlo ho disattivato tute le estensioni ma niente da fare o utilizzo chrome o la webcam. Questo NON succede nè con Opera nè con firefox (dove la webcam funziona con tutti e due i programmi)

    2- Qualche giorno fà avevo una scheda video nvidia GT9500 512 MB che ho cambiato con l'attuale nvidia GT520 con 2 GB. Prima di cambiare la scheda ho disinstallato i driver e , una volta montata quella nuova, li ho reinstallati.
    Tutto funziona bene l'unica cosa che con la vecchia GT9500 editando il file xorg.conf (aggiungendo in una specifica riga Option "Coolbits" "1" ) potevo "overcloccare" la scheda dal programma NVIDIA X Server Settings nella voce "Clock frequencies".
    Ebbene con quella nuova non riesco più ad abilitare questa opzione.
    Per caso è la scheda video che non può essere overcloccata o un problema di driver? (versione 295.40)
    il programma NVCLOCK non funziona (vabbè non funzionava neanche con la vecchia scheda video).

    3- un mese fa acquistai tramite ubuntu software center il gioco "Amnesia the dark descent"
    tutto bene...fino a qualche giorno .
    Prima quando avviavo il gioco compariva inizialmente una finestra "launcher" dove potevo settare i parametri di grafica, sonoro ecc.. e poi avviare il gioco vero e proprio. Adesso quando provo a far partire il launcher l'interfaccia grafica di Ubuntu crasha (sia Gnome che Unity anche senza gli effetti grafici) e ritorno alla schermata di LOGIN. Spulciando nella cartella del gioco ho trovato i file "Amnesia.bin64" e "Launcher.bin64" il primo fa partire il gioco senza problemi il secondo genera questo problema (che prima non si verificava).
    Qualcuno puo darmi un suggerimento per capire cosa non funziona?
    Provato anche a disinstallare e installare il gioco ma il problema persiste.

    4- Volevo testare la webcam su Facebook tramite l'opzione "aggiungi foto/video" e poi "tramite webcam" purtroppo sia su firefox che su opera compare solo un'animazione di caricamento e la webcam non viene riconosciuta. Qualcuno conosce un modo per risolvere il problema?
    Su Chrome la webcam sembra funzionare ma l'immagine si blocca dopo un secondo (penso sia legato al problema numero 1)

    Non sono problemi gravi e alcuni sono facilmente aggirabili ma se li volessi risolvere qualcuno può darmi qualche dritta o suggerimento?
    Ovviamente cercando su google non sono riuscito a trovato nulla
    Grazie a tutti :-)

  2. #2
    Utente di L'avatar di bereshit
    Registrato dal
    Oct 2005
    non sono un programmatore ma azzardo

    secondo me è un conflitto d'uso della webcam tra flash (che può avere accesso a tale periferica) e cheese

    cosa proverei a fare

    prendi un animazione in flash, clicca col destro e seleziona inpostazioni globali, da li li dici di non usare la webcam, forse si risolve.

    per il 3 prova a lanciare quello che ti da problemi da riga di comando e a postare l'output
    L'ultima Xubuntu su Notebook Dual core 1,5 GHz e 2 Giga di RAM
    "Free as in Free speech not as in free beer"
    GDR Sperimentale

  3. #3
    Utente di
    Registrato dal
    Jul 2002
    grazie per le risposte

    comunque su chrome se vado su "impostazioni globali" mi apre una nuova scheda e va sul sito di flash player.
    invece su "impostazioni" mi apre una finestra e lì posso negare l'accesso alla videocamera e microfono solo che il problema persiste. (la versione del flash player su chrome è la

    per quanto riguarda Amnesia ho provato ad avviare il file "launcher.bin64" da terminale purtroppo l'interfaccia grafica si riavvia e non riesco a postare l'errore

    grazie comunque per i suggerimenti.

  4. #4
    Utente di
    Registrato dal
    Jul 2002
    Ragazzi ho notato una cosa.

    Il crash dell'interfaccia e ritorno alla schermata di Login lo fa anche in altre due situazioni

    - quando accedo a unity 2d e premo l'icona "dash" (la prima icona del menu di unity)
    non succede con unity 3d ma l'icona viene chiamata "Home"

    - lo fa anche con Konqueror

    posso eventualmente fare un filmato postarlo su youtube e aggiungere il link a questo forum?

  5. #5
    Utente di
    Registrato dal
    Jul 2002
    Ragazzi riprendo il topic per cercare una soluzione a un fastidioso problema..cioè il crash dell'interfaccia grafica e ritorno alla schermata di login.
    sopra avevo scritto che capitava con il gioco amnesia...ebbene LO STESSO problema succede quando accedo alle impostazioni di un programma come vlc.
    Per esempio apro VLC - poi su STRUMEMNTI - poi PREFERENZE - poi AUDIO e poi appena clicco su MODULO di USCITA ecco che la schermata diventa nera e ritorno alla schermata di login.
    Vi posto il file /var/log/syslog non ci capisco molto... se qualcuno può darmi una mano perchè succede con altri programmi e sinceramente non mi và di formattare e reinstallare ubuntu.

    questo è quello che capita quando sono andato nelle impostazioni di VLC alle 22.16 (primi secondi)

    Nov 16 22:15:50 daspo-System-Product-Name AptDaemon.Worker: INFO: Processing transaction /org/debian/apt/transaction/8adc5c3350f1466a906d084399c15ca5 Nov 16 22:15:51 daspo-System-Product-Name AptDaemon.PackageKit: INFO: Get updates() Nov 16 22:15:52 daspo-System-Product-Name AptDaemon.Worker: INFO: Finished transaction /org/debian/apt/transaction/8adc5c3350f1466a906d084399c15ca5 Nov 16 22:16:03 daspo-System-Product-Name gnome-session[1214]: Gdk-WARNING: gnome-session: Fatal IO error 11 (Risorsa temporaneamente non disponibile) on X server :0.#012 Nov 16 22:16:03 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-simple-slave[3961]: WARNING: Unable to load file '/etc/gdm/custom.conf': File o directory non esistente Nov 16 22:16:03 daspo-System-Product-Name acpid: client 32753[0:0] has disconnected Nov 16 22:16:03 daspo-System-Product-Name acpid: client 32753[0:0] has disconnected Nov 16 22:16:03 daspo-System-Product-Name acpid: client connected from 3964[0:0] Nov 16 22:16:03 daspo-System-Product-Name acpid: 1 client rule loaded Nov 16 22:16:04 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1006.597588] HDMI hot plug event: Codec=0 Pin=5 Presence_Detect=1 ELD_Valid=0 Nov 16 22:16:04 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1006.604021] HDMI status: Codec=0 Pin=5 Presence_Detect=0 ELD_Valid=0 Nov 16 22:16:04 daspo-System-Product-Name acpid: client connected from 3964[0:0] Nov 16 22:16:04 daspo-System-Product-Name acpid: 1 client rule loaded Nov 16 22:16:04 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1006.694567] HDMI hot plug event: Codec=0 Pin=5 Presence_Detect=1 ELD_Valid=0 Nov 16 22:16:04 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1006.700016] HDMI status: Codec=0 Pin=5 Presence_Detect=1 ELD_Valid=0 Nov 16 22:16:04 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1006.713788] HDMI hot plug event: Codec=0 Pin=5 Presence_Detect=0 ELD_Valid=1 Nov 16 22:16:04 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1006.720011] HDMI status: Codec=0 Pin=5 Presence_Detect=1 ELD_Valid=1 Nov 16 22:16:04 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-simple-slave[3961]: CRITICAL: gdm_session_direct_get_username: assertion `session != NULL' failed Nov 16 22:16:04 daspo-System-Product-Name gnome-session[3986]: WARNING: Failed to start app: Unable to start application: Esecuzione del processo figlio "/usr/lib/at-spi/at-spi-registryd" non riuscita (File o directory non esistente) Nov 16 22:16:05 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Successfully made thread 4016 of process 4016 (n/a) owned by '116' high priority at nice level -11. Nov 16 22:16:05 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Supervising 1 threads of 1 processes of 1 users. Nov 16 22:16:05 daspo-System-Product-Name gnome-session[3986]: WARNING: Failed to start app: Unable to start application: Esecuzione del processo figlio "gnome-power-manager" non riuscita (File o directory non esistente) Nov 16 22:16:05 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-session-worker[4029]: WARNING: Unable to load file '/etc/gdm/custom.conf': File o directory non esistente Nov 16 22:16:05 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-session-worker[4029]: GLib-GObject-CRITICAL: g_value_get_boolean: assertion `G_VALUE_HOLDS_BOOLEAN (value)' failed Nov 16 22:16:05 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1007.492073] HDMI: detected monitor SyncMaster Nov 16 22:16:05 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1007.492075] at connection type HDMI Nov 16 22:16:05 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1007.492078] HDMI: available speakers: FL/FR Nov 16 22:16:05 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1007.492082] HDMI: supports coding type LPCM: channels = 2, rates = 32000 44100 48000, bits = 16 20 24 Nov 16 22:16:06 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1008.400117] 6:3:1: cannot get freq at ep 0x82 Nov 16 22:16:07 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1009.532147] 6:3:1: cannot get freq at ep 0x82 Nov 16 22:16:07 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Successfully made thread 4827 of process 4016 (n/a) owned by '116' RT at priority 5. Nov 16 22:16:07 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Supervising 2 threads of 1 processes of 1 users. Nov 16 22:16:07 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Successfully made thread 4828 of process 4016 (n/a) owned by '116' RT at priority 5. Nov 16 22:16:07 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Supervising 3 threads of 1 processes of 1 users. Nov 16 22:16:07 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Successfully made thread 4829 of process 4016 (n/a) owned by '116' RT at priority 5. Nov 16 22:16:07 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Supervising 4 threads of 1 processes of 1 users. Nov 16 22:16:08 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Successfully made thread 4830 of process 4016 (n/a) owned by '116' RT at priority 5. Nov 16 22:16:08 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Supervising 5 threads of 1 processes of 1 users. Nov 16 22:16:08 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Successfully made thread 4833 of process 4833 (n/a) owned by '116' high priority at nice level -11. Nov 16 22:16:08 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Supervising 6 threads of 2 processes of 1 users. Nov 16 22:16:08 daspo-System-Product-Name pulseaudio[4833]: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Daemon already running. Nov 16 22:16:08 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-simple-greeter[4022]: Gtk-WARNING: Overriding tab label for notebook Nov 16 22:16:08 gdm-simple-greeter[4022]: last message repeated 4 times Nov 16 22:16:08 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-simple-greeter[4022]: Gtk-WARNING: /build/buildd/gtk+3.0-3.4.2/./gtk/gtkwidget.c:7117: widget not within a GtkWindow Nov 16 22:16:08 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-simple-greeter[4022]: Gtk-CRITICAL: gtk_widget_get_preferred_height_for_width: assertion `width >= 0' failed Nov 16 22:16:08 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-simple-greeter[4022]: Gtk-CRITICAL: gtk_widget_get_preferred_height_for_width: assertion `width >= 0' failed Nov 16 22:16:08 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-simple-greeter[4022]: Gtk-WARNING: gtk_widget_size_allocate(): attempt to allocate widget with width -47 and height -47 Nov 16 22:16:08 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-simple-greeter[4022]: Gtk-CRITICAL: gtk_widget_get_preferred_height_for_width: assertion `width >= 0' failed Nov 16 22:16:08 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-simple-greeter[4022]: Gtk-CRITICAL: gtk_widget_get_preferred_height_for_width: assertion `width >= 0' failed Nov 16 22:16:08 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-simple-greeter[4022]: Gtk-WARNING: gtk_widget_size_allocate(): attempt to allocate widget with width -47 and height -47 Nov 16 22:16:08 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-simple-greeter[4022]: CRITICAL: get_column_number: assertion `i < gtk_tree_view_get_n_columns (treeview)' failed Nov 16 22:16:08 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-simple-greeter[4022]: CRITICAL: get_column_number: assertion `i < gtk_tree_view_get_n_columns (treeview)' failed Nov 16 22:16:13 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Successfully made thread 4950 of process 4950 (n/a) owned by '1000' high priority at nice level -11. Nov 16 22:16:13 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Supervising 6 threads of 2 processes of 2 users. Nov 16 22:16:13 daspo-System-Product-Name pulseaudio[4950]: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Stale PID file, overwriting. Nov 16 22:16:15 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1017.149830] type=1701 audit(1353100575.015:27): auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000 ses=4294967295 pid=5058 comm="chrome" reason="seccomp" sig=0 syscall=39 compat=0 ip=0x7fcc4c8a9ed9 code=0x50001 Nov 16 22:16:15 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1017.228116] 6:3:1: cannot get freq at ep 0x82 Nov 16 22:16:16 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1018.356110] 6:3:1: cannot get freq at ep 0x82 Nov 16 22:16:16 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Successfully made thread 5133 of process 4950 (n/a) owned by '1000' RT at priority 5. Nov 16 22:16:16 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Supervising 7 threads of 2 processes of 2 users. Nov 16 22:16:16 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Successfully made thread 5148 of process 4950 (n/a) owned by '1000' RT at priority 5. Nov 16 22:16:16 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Supervising 8 threads of 2 processes of 2 users. Nov 16 22:16:16 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Successfully made thread 5150 of process 4950 (n/a) owned by '1000' RT at priority 5. Nov 16 22:16:16 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Supervising 9 threads of 2 processes of 2 users. Nov 16 22:16:17 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Successfully made thread 5205 of process 4950 (n/a) owned by '1000' RT at priority 5. Nov 16 22:16:17 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Supervising 10 threads of 2 processes of 2 users. Nov 16 22:16:17 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Successfully made thread 5211 of process 5211 (n/a) owned by '1000' high priority at nice level -11. Nov 16 22:16:17 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Supervising 11 threads of 3 processes of 2 users. Nov 16 22:16:17 daspo-System-Product-Name pulseaudio[5211]: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Daemon already running.

  6. #6
    Utente di
    Registrato dal
    Jul 2002
    questo è quello che capita quando ho avviato il GIOCO AMNESIA alle 22.19 (primi secondi)

    Nov 16 22:17:17 daspo-System-Product-Name AptDaemon.Worker: INFO: Processing transaction /org/debian/apt/transaction/05f7db0f17bc4ee3a9f415aa3101ca7f
    Nov 16 22:17:18 daspo-System-Product-Name AptDaemon.PackageKit: INFO: Get updates()
    Nov 16 22:17:19 daspo-System-Product-Name AptDaemon.Worker: INFO: Finished transaction /org/debian/apt/transaction/05f7db0f17bc4ee3a9f415aa3101ca7f
    Nov 16 22:19:03 daspo-System-Product-Name gnome-session[4862]: Gdk-WARNING: gnome-session: Fatal IO error 11 (Risorsa temporaneamente non disponibile) on X server :0.#012
    Nov 16 22:19:04 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-simple-slave[11111]: WARNING: Unable to load file '/etc/gdm/custom.conf': File o directory non esistente
    Nov 16 22:19:04 daspo-System-Product-Name acpid: client 3964[0:0] has disconnected
    Nov 16 22:19:04 daspo-System-Product-Name acpid: client 3964[0:0] has disconnected
    Nov 16 22:19:04 daspo-System-Product-Name acpid: client connected from 11118[0:0]
    Nov 16 22:19:04 daspo-System-Product-Name acpid: 1 client rule loaded
    Nov 16 22:19:04 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1186.309870] HDMI hot plug event: Codec=0 Pin=5 Presence_Detect=1 ELD_Valid=0
    Nov 16 22:19:04 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1186.316076] HDMI status: Codec=0 Pin=5 Presence_Detect=0 ELD_Valid=0
    Nov 16 22:19:04 daspo-System-Product-Name acpid: client connected from 11118[0:0]
    Nov 16 22:19:04 daspo-System-Product-Name acpid: 1 client rule loaded
    Nov 16 22:19:04 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1186.379930] HDMI hot plug event: Codec=0 Pin=5 Presence_Detect=1 ELD_Valid=0
    Nov 16 22:19:04 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1186.384014] HDMI status: Codec=0 Pin=5 Presence_Detect=1 ELD_Valid=0
    Nov 16 22:19:04 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1186.399055] HDMI hot plug event: Codec=0 Pin=5 Presence_Detect=0 ELD_Valid=1
    Nov 16 22:19:04 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1186.404011] HDMI status: Codec=0 Pin=5 Presence_Detect=1 ELD_Valid=1
    Nov 16 22:19:04 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-simple-slave[11111]: CRITICAL: gdm_session_direct_get_username: assertion `session != NULL' failed
    Nov 16 22:19:04 daspo-System-Product-Name gnome-session[11141]: WARNING: Failed to start app: Unable to start application: Esecuzione del processo figlio "/usr/lib/at-spi/at-spi-registryd" non riuscita (File o directory non esistente)
    Nov 16 22:19:04 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Successfully made thread 11171 of process 11171 (n/a) owned by '116' high priority at nice level -11.
    Nov 16 22:19:04 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Supervising 1 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
    Nov 16 22:19:04 daspo-System-Product-Name gnome-session[11141]: WARNING: Failed to start app: Unable to start application: Esecuzione del processo figlio "gnome-power-manager" non riuscita (File o directory non esistente)
    Nov 16 22:19:04 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-session-worker[11185]: WARNING: Unable to load file '/etc/gdm/custom.conf': File o directory non esistente
    Nov 16 22:19:04 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-session-worker[11185]: GLib-GObject-CRITICAL: g_value_get_boolean: assertion `G_VALUE_HOLDS_BOOLEAN (value)' failed
    Nov 16 22:19:05 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1187.184014] HDMI: detected monitor SyncMaster
    Nov 16 22:19:05 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1187.184018] at connection type HDMI
    Nov 16 22:19:05 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1187.184021] HDMI: available speakers: FL/FR
    Nov 16 22:19:05 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1187.184027] HDMI: supports coding type LPCM: channels = 2, rates = 32000 44100 48000, bits = 16 20 24
    Nov 16 22:19:05 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1188.012169] 6:3:1: cannot get freq at ep 0x82
    Nov 16 22:19:07 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1189.152160] 6:3:1: cannot get freq at ep 0x82
    Nov 16 22:19:07 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Successfully made thread 11186 of process 11171 (n/a) owned by '116' RT at priority 5.
    Nov 16 22:19:07 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Supervising 2 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
    Nov 16 22:19:07 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Successfully made thread 11187 of process 11171 (n/a) owned by '116' RT at priority 5.
    Nov 16 22:19:07 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Supervising 3 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
    Nov 16 22:19:07 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Successfully made thread 11188 of process 11171 (n/a) owned by '116' RT at priority 5.
    Nov 16 22:19:07 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Supervising 4 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
    Nov 16 22:19:07 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Successfully made thread 11189 of process 11171 (n/a) owned by '116' RT at priority 5.
    Nov 16 22:19:07 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Supervising 5 threads of 1 processes of 1 users.
    Nov 16 22:19:07 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Successfully made thread 11192 of process 11192 (n/a) owned by '116' high priority at nice level -11.
    Nov 16 22:19:07 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Supervising 6 threads of 2 processes of 1 users.
    Nov 16 22:19:07 daspo-System-Product-Name pulseaudio[11192]: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Daemon already running.
    Nov 16 22:19:08 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-simple-greeter[11176]: Gtk-WARNING: Overriding tab label for notebook
    Nov 16 22:19:08 gdm-simple-greeter[11176]: last message repeated 4 times
    Nov 16 22:19:08 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-simple-greeter[11176]: Gtk-WARNING: /build/buildd/gtk+3.0-3.4.2/./gtk/gtkwidget.c:7117: widget not within a GtkWindow
    Nov 16 22:19:08 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-simple-greeter[11176]: Gtk-CRITICAL: gtk_widget_get_preferred_height_for_width: assertion `width >= 0' failed
    Nov 16 22:19:08 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-simple-greeter[11176]: Gtk-CRITICAL: gtk_widget_get_preferred_height_for_width: assertion `width >= 0' failed
    Nov 16 22:19:08 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-simple-greeter[11176]: Gtk-WARNING: gtk_widget_size_allocate(): attempt to allocate widget with width -47 and height -47
    Nov 16 22:19:08 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-simple-greeter[11176]: Gtk-CRITICAL: gtk_widget_get_preferred_height_for_width: assertion `width >= 0' failed
    Nov 16 22:19:08 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-simple-greeter[11176]: Gtk-CRITICAL: gtk_widget_get_preferred_height_for_width: assertion `width >= 0' failed
    Nov 16 22:19:08 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-simple-greeter[11176]: Gtk-WARNING: gtk_widget_size_allocate(): attempt to allocate widget with width -47 and height -47
    Nov 16 22:19:08 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-simple-greeter[11176]: CRITICAL: get_column_number: assertion `i < gtk_tree_view_get_n_columns (treeview)' failed
    Nov 16 22:19:08 daspo-System-Product-Name gdm-simple-greeter[11176]: CRITICAL: get_column_number: assertion `i < gtk_tree_view_get_n_columns (treeview)' failed
    Nov 16 22:19:13 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Successfully made thread 11311 of process 11311 (n/a) owned by '1000' high priority at nice level -11.
    Nov 16 22:19:13 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Supervising 6 threads of 2 processes of 2 users.
    Nov 16 22:19:13 daspo-System-Product-Name pulseaudio[11311]: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Stale PID file, overwriting.
    Nov 16 22:19:14 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1196.852690] type=1701 audit(1353100754.719:28): auid=4294967295 uid=1000 gid=1000 ses=4294967295 pid=11415 comm="chrome" reason="seccomp" sig=0 syscall=39 compat=0 ip=0x7f696b874ed9 code=0x50001
    Nov 16 22:19:14 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1196.940138] 6:3:1: cannot get freq at ep 0x82
    Nov 16 22:19:15 daspo-System-Product-Name kernel: [ 1198.088982] 6:3:1: cannot get freq at ep 0x82
    Nov 16 22:19:15 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Successfully made thread 12039 of process 11311 (n/a) owned by '1000' RT at priority 5.
    Nov 16 22:19:15 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Supervising 7 threads of 2 processes of 2 users.
    Nov 16 22:19:16 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Successfully made thread 12237 of process 11311 (n/a) owned by '1000' RT at priority 5.
    Nov 16 22:19:16 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Supervising 8 threads of 2 processes of 2 users.
    Nov 16 22:19:16 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Successfully made thread 12238 of process 11311 (n/a) owned by '1000' RT at priority 5.
    Nov 16 22:19:16 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Supervising 9 threads of 2 processes of 2 users.
    Nov 16 22:19:16 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Successfully made thread 12302 of process 11311 (n/a) owned by '1000' RT at priority 5.
    Nov 16 22:19:16 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Supervising 10 threads of 2 processes of 2 users.
    Nov 16 22:19:17 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Successfully made thread 12315 of process 12315 (n/a) owned by '1000' high priority at nice level -11.
    Nov 16 22:19:17 daspo-System-Product-Name rtkit-daemon[2611]: Supervising 11 threads of 3 processes of 2 users.
    Nov 16 22:19:17 daspo-System-Product-Name pulseaudio[12315]: [pulseaudio] pid.c: Daemon already running. puo essere d'aiuto.. il pc è collegato al monitor tramite cavo HDMI ma ho notato che il problema persiste anche collegandolo con il cavo vga

    grazie . per le risposte

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