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  1. #1

    problema phpNuke in locale

    ciao amici...
    ho un problema con php nuke in locale...
    aprendo il sito mi da questi errori...
    Notice: Undefined variable: querystring in c:\easyphp\www\nuke\html\mainfile.php on line 27
    Notice: Undefined variable: HTTP_USER_AGENT in c:\easyphp\www\nuke\html\mainfile.php on line 32
    Notice: import_request_variables(): No prefix specified - possible security hazard in c:\easyphp\www\nuke\html\mainfile.php on line 55
    Notice: Undefined variable: forum_admin in c:\easyphp\www\nuke\html\mainfile.php on line 110
    Notice: Undefined variable: inside_mod in c:\easyphp\www\nuke\html\mainfile.php on line 113
    Notice: Undefined variable: inside_mod in c:\easyphp\www\nuke\html\db\db.php on line 44
    Notice: Use of undefined constant nohtml - assumed 'nohtml' in c:\easyphp\www\nuke\html\index.php on line 28
    Notice: Undefined variable: file in c:\easyphp\www\nuke\html\index.php on line 41
    Notice: Undefined index: 2 in c:\easyphp\www\nuke\html\mainfile.php on line 247
    Notice: Use of undefined constant admin - assumed 'admin' in c:\easyphp\www\nuke\html\mainfile.php on line 202
    Notice: Constant already defined in c:\easyphp\www\nuke\html\modules\News\language\lang-italian.php on line 73
    Notice: Constant already defined in c:\easyphp\www\nuke\html\modules\News\language\lang-italian.php on line 91
    Notice: Constant already defined in c:\easyphp\www\nuke\html\modules\News\language\lang-italian.php on line 114
    Notice: Undefined variable: op in c:\easyphp\www\nuke\html\modules\News\index.php on line 192
    Notice: Undefined variable: new_topic in c:\easyphp\www\nuke\html\modules\News\index.php on line 195
    Notice: Undefined index: 1 in c:\easyphp\www\nuke\html\mainfile.php on line 635
    Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in c:\easyphp\www\nuke\html\mainfile.php on line 638
    Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in c:\easyphp\www\nuke\html\mainfile.php on line 518
    Notice: Undefined index: 2 in c:\easyphp\www\nuke\html\mainfile.php on line 247
    e un mare di altri notice
    esiste un modo per non vederli?

    p.s. online è tutto ok!



    ...l'importante è non cadere dal palco...

    : ghiboz : | ° nani ° | : gBlog :

  2. #2

    leggi questo, il fatto che online non vedi gli errori non significa che non ci sono

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