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Discussione: funzione nn definita?

  1. #1

    funzione nn definita?

    non capisco il problema?

    $pdf = pdf_new();
    pdf_begin_page($pdf, 595,842);
    $verdana = pdf_findfont($pdf, "verdana", "host",1); pdf_setfont($pdf, $arial,10);

    pdf_show_xy($pdf,"Ecco il mio primo documento in pdf",50,750);
    pdf_show_xy($pdf,"........creato con PHP",50,730);


    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pdf_new() in H:\webs\001095\creapdf.php on line 2
    ------------------- -

  2. #2
    Moderatore di Server Apache L'avatar di marketto
    Registrato dal
    Sep 2001
    " The PDF functions in PHP can create PDF files using the PDFlib library created by Thomas Merz.

    PDFlib is available for download at, but requires that you purchase a license for commercial use. The JPEG and TIFF libraries are required to compile this extension.
    Issues with older versions of PDFlib

    Any version of PHP 4 after March 9, 2000 does not support versions of PDFlib older than 3.0.

    PDFlib 3.0 or greater is supported by PHP 3.0.19 and later.

    To get these functions to work, you have to compile PHP with --with-pdflib[=DIR]. DIR is the PDFlib base install directory, defaults to /usr/local. In addition you can specify the jpeg, tiff, and pnglibrary for PDFlib to use, which is optional for PDFlib 4.x. To do so add to your configure line the options --with-jpeg-dir[=DIR] --with-png-dir[=DIR] --with-tiff-dir[=DIR].

    When using version 3.x of PDFlib, you should configure PDFlib with the option --enable-shared-pdflib. "

    ti conviene usare
    think simple think ringo

  3. #3
    è molto semplice: la funzione non esiste.

    Bisogna installare il modulo annesso per usare queste funzioni.

    Dalla doc PHP:

    To get these functions to work, you have to compile PHP with --with-pdflib[=DIR]. DIR is the PDFlib base install directory, defaults to /usr/local. In addition you can specify the jpeg, tiff, and pnglibrary for PDFlib to use, which is optional for PDFlib 4.x. To do so add to your configure line the options --with-jpeg-dir[=DIR] --with-png-dir[=DIR] --with-tiff-dir[=DIR].

    When using version 3.x of PDFlib, you should configure PDFlib with the option --enable-shared-pdflib

  4. #4
    Utente bannato
    Registrato dal
    Apr 2004

    Re: funzione nn definita?

    Ops... Ciao

  5. #5
    Arrivato..... come non detto...

    Il silenzio è spesso la cosa migliore. Pensa ... è gratis.

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