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Discussione: formattazione testo

  1. #1

    formattazione testo

    io di php non ci capisco nulla, cmq sono riuscito ugualmente ad utilizzare uno script gratuito di, installarlo e tradurlo.. VVoVe:
    tutto funzia
    però ho due problemini, la pagina in questione è questa

    1- vorrei che i testi degli annunci venissero visualizzati più piccoli, un size 2 ad esempio
    2- vorrei centrare "inserisci" e "home page" in fondo alla pagina...

    è stato difficile cmq questo è il codice php... dove sbaglio?

    /* Welcome to the WebWorkz Ware Guestbook. This system will allow you to have users post comments to your web site and is fully-customizable. Set the variables below to customize your guestbook. */

    /* Customization Variables */

    // Your web site address
    $yoursiteaddress = "";

    // Your web site name
    $yoursitename = "";

    // Max entries per page
    $maxperpage = "10";

    // Allow HTML in guestbook submissions? (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
    $allowhtml = "1";

    /* --------------- DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE -------------- */

    /* --------------- PRE-CONFIGURED LAYOUTS ----------------- */

    $addform = "<FORM ACTION=\"$PHP_SELF?addsubmit=true\" METHOD=\"POST\">\n";
    $addform .= "<table border=\"0\" cols=\"2\" width=\"500\">\n";
    $addform .= "<tr>\n";
    $addform .= "<td width=\"100\">Nome:</td>\n";
    $addform .= "<td width=\"400\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"name\"></td>\n";
    $addform .= "</tr><tr>\n";
    $addform .= "<td width=\"100\">E-Mail:</td>\n";
    $addform .= "<td width=\"400\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"email\"></td>\n";
    $addform .= "</tr><tr>\n";
    $addform .= "<td width=\"100\">Vendo/compro:</td>\n";
    $addform .= "<td width=\"400\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"sitename\"></td>\n";
    $addform .= "</tr><tr>\n";
    $addform .= "<td width=\"100\">Indirizzo del tuo sito:</td>\n";
    $addform .= "<td width=\"400\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"siteurl\" value=\"http://\"></td>\n";
    $addform .= "</tr><tr>\n";
    $addform .= "<td width=\"100\">Il tuo annuncio:</td>\n";
    $addform .= "<td width=\"400\"><TEXTAREA name=\"message\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"15\"></TEXTAREA></td>\n";
    $addform .= "</tr><tr>\n";
    $addform .= "<td width=\"100\"></td>\n";
    $addform .= "<td width=\"400\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Inserisci il tuo annuncio\">\n";
    $addform .= "</tr></table>\n";
    $addform .= "</FORM>\n";

    include ("");
    include ("");
    include ("");

    IF (!isset($add) and !isset($addsubmit))
    echo ("<A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?add=true\">Inserisci</a> - ");
    echo ("<A HREF=\"$yoursiteaddress\">Home page di $yoursitename</a>


    $maxperpage = $maxperpage + 0;

    IF (!isset($start))
    $start = $lastentry;

    $end = $start - $maxperpage;

    $count = $start;

    while ($count <= $start and $count > $end and $count > 0)
    $entryid = "entry" . $count;

    echo ("<table border=0 cols=2 width=500>");

    IF (isset($$entryid))

    while (list ($variable, $value) = each($$entryid))

    IF ($allowhtml == 0)
    $value = Strip_tags($value);

    IF ($variable == "E-Mail")
    echo ("<tr>\n<td width=100>\n$variable:\n</td>\n<td width=400>\n<A HREF=\"mailto:$value\">$value</a>\n</td>\n</tr>\n");

    ELSE IF ($variable == "Site URL")
    echo ("<tr>\n<td width=100>\n$variable:\n</td>\n<td width=400>\n<A HREF=\"$value\">$value</a>\n</td>\n</tr>\n");

    ELSE IF ($variable == "Message")
    $value = str_replace("\\\"", "\"", $value);
    echo ("<tr>\n<td width=100>\n$variable:\n</td>\n<td width=400>\n$value\n</td>\n</tr>\n");

    echo ("<tr>\n<td width=100>\n$variable:\n</td>\n<td width=400>\n$value\n</td>\n</tr>\n");


    echo ("</table><hr width=100% noshade>");


    $end = $end - 1;

    $count = $count - 1;


    $entryid = "entry" . $count;

    IF ($start != $lastentry)
    $start = $start + $maxperpage;
    echo (" <A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?start=$start\"><<< Indietro</a>");
    echo (" ");

    IF (isset($$entryid))
    echo (" ");
    echo (" <A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?start=$count\">Avanti >>></a>");

    echo ("

    <center><A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF?add=true\">Inserisci</a> - ");
    echo ("<A HREF=\"$yoursiteaddress\">Home page di $yoursitename</a>");

    ELSE IF (isset($add))
    echo ("$addform");

    ELSE IF (isset($addsubmit))

    $required = Array (
    'Name' => $name,
    'E-Mail' => $email,
    'Message' => $message);

    while (list($caption, $variable) = each($required))
    $errorcount = 0;

    IF ($variable == "")
    echo ("Inserire '$caption' Casella vuota.


    IF ($errorcount == 0)

    $filename = "";

    $increment = $lastentry + 1;

    $incrementoutput = "<? $" . "lastentry = " . $increment . "; ?>";

    $write = fopen($filename, "w");
    fwrite ($write, $incrementoutput);

    $entryid = "entry" . $increment;

    $datetime = date ("l F jS @ g:iA T");

    $addentry = "<? $" . $entryid .
    " = Array ( " .
    "'Nome' => '$name', " .
    "'E-Mail' => '$email', " .
    "'Data inserimento' => '$datetime', " .
    "'Vendo/compro' => '$sitename', " .
    "'Il tuo sito' => '$siteurl', " .
    "'Annuncio' => '$message'); ?>";

    $filename2 = "";

    $write2 = fopen($filename2, "a");
    fwrite ($write2, $addentry . "\r\n\r\n");

    echo ("Grazie per aver inserito il tuo annuncio!

    Torna agli altri <A HREF=\"$PHP_SELF\">annunci</a> del Mercatino di Scheletri.


    echo ("

    <font color=\"red\">Prego torna indietro e riprova.</font>");


    echo ("<center>Script Free By WebWorkz Ware <A HREF=\"\"></a></center>");
    include ("");


  2. #2
    ultima cosa.. posso rinominare il file ware_gb.php o devo per forza chiamarsi così?

  3. #3
    nessun buon'anima mi dà un consiglio??

  4. #4



  5. #5

  6. #6

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