Visualizzazione dei risultati da 1 a 2 su 2
  1. #1

    con firefox si vede, con explorer no

    Per non star qui a ripetere tutta la (non esosa) questione vi rimanderei ai risultati della stessa nel forum html
    Il problema che si evidenzia è il richiamo delle dimensioni immagini che crea un vuoto ad explorer
    Ho spulciato il file index.php ma non sono venuto a capo di nulla
    Lo posto qui nella speranza di un aiuto (taglio alcune parti inutili)
     function resizepic($width,$height){ 
    global $max_width,$max_height;
    $scale = (float)$max_width/(float)$width; 
    $width = (int) $width*$scale; 
    $height = (int) $height*$scale; 
    $scale = (float)$max_height/(float)$height; 
    $width = (int) $width*$scale; 
    $height = (int) $height*$scale; 
    } return array($width,$height); 
    function logout() {
    global $f;
    header ("Set-Cookie: logged=$f; expires=Wed, 2-Jan-1987 00:00:00 GMT; path=/;");
    header ("Set-Cookie: modlogin=$f; expires=Wed, 2-Jan-1987 00:00:00 GMT; path=/;");
    header ("Set-Cookie: ivadmin=$f; expires=Wed, 2-Jan-1987 00:00:00 GMT; path=/;");
    if ((isset($f)) && $f == "logout") logout();
    require ("config.php");
    if (!$template) $template = "template1.php";
    $cookieinfo = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[logged];
    // $u (user)  $c (category)  $f (function) $id ( id #)
    if(!isset($c)) $c = "all";
    if(IsSet($men_x)) $c="men";
    if(IsSet($women_x)) $c="women";
    // connect to the database until the end
    @mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");
    // if visitor just voted, update the last image's record first
    if (!isset($vote)) {
    if(IsSet($vote1_x)) $vote=1;  // support for image inputs
    if (isset($vote)) {
    if ($vote != 99 && $vote > 10) $vote = 10;
    if($vote == "1") $whatvote = "one";
    // if ($vote < 3)  $oldrate+= 2;
    if ($donerep < 1) $donerep=0;
    if ($vote == "99") {
    if ($donerep <= 1) {
    $result=mysql_query("SELECT reported FROM $imagetable WHERE id = '$imgid'") or die(mysql_error());
    mysql_query("UPDATE $imagetable SET reported = '$reports', reason = 'autobroken' WHERE id = '$imgid'") or die(mysql_error());
    if ( $reports >= $maxreport)
    mysql_query("UPDATE $imagetable SET status = 'reported' WHERE id = '$imgid'") or die(mysql_error());
    $vote = "?"; $oldaverage = "?"; $oldtotal = "?"; $image = "broken.gif";
    else {
    $result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $imagetable WHERE id = '$imgid'");
    else $ip = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REMOTE_ADDR"];
    if (strlen($ip) < 6) $ip = $REMOTE_ADDR;
    if ($oldvoter1 != $ip && $oldvoter2 != $ip && $oldvoter3 != $ip && $oldvoter4 != $ip && $oldvoter5 != $ip) {
    if ($vote != 0) $oldtotal++;
    $oldrate += $vote;
    $oldaverage = $oldrate/$oldtotal;
    $oldaverage = sprintf ('%0.1f', $oldaverage);
    mysql_query("UPDATE $imagetable SET voter1 = '$ip', voter2 = '$oldvoter1', voter3 = '$oldvoter2', voter4 = '$oldvoter3', voter5 = '$oldvoter4' where id = '$imgid'");
    mysql_query("UPDATE $imagetable SET rate = '$oldrate', total = '$oldtotal', $whatvote = '$oldno', average = '$oldaverage' where id = '$imgid'");
    else {
    $oldaverage = $oldrate/$oldtotal;
    $oldaverage = sprintf ('%0.1f', $oldaverage);
    if($oldtotal < $votesneeded) $oldaverage = "?";
    $rrate = round ($oldaverage);
    $lastpicture="<table border=1 cellpadding=1 bgcolor=\"#e0e0e0\" align=\"center\">
    <tr><td colspan=3 valign=top nowrap><center><img src=\"$image\" width=\"149\">
    </center></td></tr><tr><tr><td align=center valign=top><font face=Arial color=#000000 size=1>
    ".YOURVOTE."</font></td><td align=center valign=top><font face=Arial color=#000000 size=1>
    ".OVERALL."</font></td><td align=center valign=top><font face=Arial color=#000000 size=1>
    ".VOTES."</font></font></td></tr><tr><td align=center valign=top><font face=Arial color=#000000 size=+1>
    $vote</font></td><td align=center valign=top><font face=Arial color=red size=+1>
    $oldaverage</font></td><td align=center valign=top><font face=Arial color=#000000 size=+1>
    if ($des) $lastpicture.="<tr><td colspan=3 valign=top nowrap><center><font face=Arial color=#000000 size=1>".stripslashes($des[$rrate])."</font></center></td></tr>";
    // pick category option
    if ($pickcat == "radio") {
    $pickcat = "<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 bgcolor=\"#dedede\">";
    $pickcat .= "<tr><td nowrap align=right><font size=\"1\">".DISPLAY." 
    foreach ($categories as $a) {
    $pickcat .= "$a<input type=\"radio\" name=\"c\" value=\"$a\"";
    if ($c == $a){$all=1;
    $pickcat .= " checked";}
    $pickcat .= " onclick=\"this.form.submit()\">
    $pickcat .= "</font></td></tr><tr><td nowrap align=right><font size=\"1\">".VIEWALL;
    $pickcat .= "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"c\" value=\"all\"";
    if (!isset($all)) $pickcat .= " checked";
    $pickcat .= " onclick=\"this.form.submit()\"></font></td></tr></table>";
    else {
    $pickcat = "<select name=\"c\" onChange=\"this.form.submit()\">";
    foreach ($categories as $a) {
    $pickcat .= "<option value=\"$a\"";
    if ($c == $a) {$all=1; $pickcat .= " selected";}
    $pickcat .= ">$a ".ONLY."</option>";
    $pickcat .= "<option value=\"all\"";
    if (!isset($all)) $pickcat .= " selected";
    $pickcat .= ">".VIEWALL."</option>";
    $pickcat .= "</select>";}
    // select next picture from the database
    if (isset($who)) {
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM $imagetable WHERE name = '$who' order by average desc LIMIT 1");
    $id = mysql_result($result,0,"id");
    if ($id > 0){
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $imagetable WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
    $rowz =mysql_num_rows($result);
    if ($rowz < 1) $id = 0;
    if ($id > 0) {
    $query = "SELECT * FROM $imagetable WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1";
    $counter = 0;
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM $imagetable WHERE status = 'active' order by id DESC");
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result)) {
    if ($row["id"] == $id) { break; }
    $rnum = $counter;
    else {
    srand ((double)microtime()*1000000);
    if ($c == "all") {
    if (($order == "loop")&& (isset($rnum))) {
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM $imagetable WHERE status = 'active' order by id DESC");
    $rowz = mysql_num_rows($result);
    if ($rowz < 1) {langerrors();print NOIMAGES; exit;}
              if ($rnum >= $rowz) $rnum = 0;
                   else           {
                   $result = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM $imagetable WHERE status = 'active'");
                   $rowz = mysql_numrows($result);
                   if ($rowz < 1) {langerrors();print NOIMAGES; exit;}
                   $rnum = rand() % $rowz;
                   $query = "SELECT * FROM $imagetable WHERE id = ";
                   $query .= mysql_result($result,$rnum,"id");
    else {
    // query for specific category
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM $imagetable WHERE category = '$c' AND status = 'active' order by name");
    $rowz = mysql_numrows($result);
    if ($rowz < 1) {langerrors();print NOIMAGES; exit;}
    if (($order == "loop")&& (isset($rnum))) {
    if ($rnum >= $rowz) $rnum = 0;
    else $rnum = rand() % $rowz;
    $query = "SELECT * FROM $imagetable WHERE id = ";
    $query .= mysql_result($result,$rnum,"id");
    $newid =$newuser["id"];
    $newurl =$newuser["url"];
    $category =$newuser["category"];
    $resize =$newuser["resize"];
    // Loads id # of user's other images in $imgresult
    // the next two lines can be removed if you don't use this feature
    $imgresult=mysql_query("SELECT id FROM $imagetable WHERE name='$newmember'");
    $numimages = mysql_num_rows($imgresult);
    $userresult = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $usertable WHERE name= '$newmember'") or die(mysql_error());
    /*  delete this line to add the $homepage variable
    $result2 = mysql_query("SELECT homepage FROM $usertable WHERE name= '$newmember'");
    $homepage = mysql_result($result2,0,"homepage");
    delete this line to add the $homepage variable */
    if ($reportauto == "yes") $autoreport = " name=userImage onAbort=\"document.reportForm.submit()\" onError=\"document.reportForm.submit()\"";
    if($resize == "yes") $newimage = "<img src=\"$newurl\" width=\"$imgsize\"$autoreport>\n";
    else { $newimage = "<img src=\"$newurl\"$autoreport>\n"; }
    if($max_width > 0 && (ereg( "[4-9]\.[0-9]\.[5-9].*", phpversion() ) || ereg("[4-9]\.[1-9]\.[0-9].*", phpversion() ) ) ) {
    list($image_width,$image_height) = GetImageSize($newurl);
    list($displaywidth,$displayheight) = resizepic($image_width,$image_height);
    $newimage = "<img src=\"$newurl\" width=\"$displaywidth\" heigth=\"$displayheight\">\n";
    if ($commentson > 0) {
    // get sample comments for user
    if ($commentson == 1) $mailresult=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $commenttable WHERE name='$newid' and status='ok' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $samplecomments");
    else $mailresult=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $commenttable WHERE name='$newid' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $samplecomments");
    $samplecomments = mysql_num_rows($mailresult);
    if ($samplecomments == 0) {$samples = NOCOMMENTS;
    $samples .= "
    <center><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onClick=\"scrollScreen('$mailphp?to=$newid&type=comment&rnum=$rnum&c=$c')\">".POSTCOMMENT."</a>";
    else {
    $samples = VIEWERCOMMENTS.":
    $bgcolor = "#E0E0E0";
    $samples.= "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n";
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($mailresult)) {
    $samples.= "<tr bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\"><td><font color=\"#000000\" size=\"1\" face=\"MS Sans Serif, Tahoma, Verdana, Arial\">\n";
    $samples.= BY.": <a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onClick=\"scrollScreen('$profilephp?u=$fromuser')\">$fromuser</a>($datestamp)".RATING.": <font color=\"red\">$commentrate";
    if (isset($ivadmin) || $fromuser==$logged) $samples .= "&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp[<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onClick=\"fullScreen('$reportphp?id=$comid&uid=$newid&rnum=$rnum&type=comment')\">".REMOVE."</a>]";
    $samples.= "</font>
    if ( $bgcolor == "#E0E0E0") $bgcolor = "#F2F2F2"; else $bgcolor = "#E0E0E0";
    $samples.= "<tr bgcolor=\"$bgcolor\"><td><font color=\"#000000\" size=\"1\" face=\"MS Sans Serif, Tahoma, Verdana, Arial\">\n";
    $samples.= "<center><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onClick=\"scrollScreen('$profilephp?u=$newmember&id=$newid&c=$c&rnum=$rnum')\">".VIEWALLCOMS."</a><a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onClick=\"scrollScreen('$mailphp?to=$newid&type=comment&c=$c&rnum=$rnum')\">".POSTCOMMENT."</a></td></tr>";
    mysql_close ();  // done with database?  better close it
    if ($numimages > 1) { 
    $otherpics = "Other pictures for this user ($numimages total): 
    $i=1; while ($i <= $numimages) { 
    $imid = mysql_result($imgresult,$i-1,"id"); 
    if ($newid != $imid) $otherpics .= "<a href=\"".$indexphp."?id=".$imid."&c=".$c."&rnum=".$rnum."\">";
    $otherpics .= "Pic".$i;
    if ($newid != $imid) $otherpics .= "</a>";
    $otherpics .= ""; 
    } $otherpics.= "
    "; } 
    $loginbox = "";
    if ($f == "logout") $loginbox =  LOGGEDOUT."
    if ((isset ($logged)) && ($f != "logout")) $loginbox = LOGGEDIN." $cookieinfo.
    <a href=$gophp?go=userphp>".YOURACCT."</a>
    <a href=$votephp?f=logout>".LOGOUT."</a>
    else {
    $loginbox .= "<a href=\"$gophp?go=signupphp\">".SUBMITPIC."</a>
    $loginbox .= "<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onClick=\"fullScreen('$loginphp');\">".LOGIN."</a>
    $loginbox .= "<a href=\"$gophp?go=userphp\">".YOURACCT."</a>
    if ((isset ($ivadmin)) && ($f != "logout")) $loginbox .= ADMINLOGGED;
    include ("./$template");
    Immagino che può essere complicato ma se qualcuno vuol darmi un consiglio....

    Mi lamentavo delle scarpe strette, poi vidi un uomo senza gambe......

  2. #2
    non è un problema php e il crossposting è vietato

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